Chapter five

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[Y/N] held the quiet baby I'm her arms as she entered the house, she then looked up at Steven, who was waiting for someone. "Morning Steven" she said with a smile as she placed Dawn in her high chair. "Hi [Y/N]" he said, keeping his eyes on the door, "who are you waiting for?" She asked, getting orange juice for herself, "I'm waiting for Connie" he said. [Y/N] smiled and nodded, but laughed when Dawn reached out for her. When [Y/N] got closer, Dawn gripped her cup, and started drinking her juice. "Dawn no!" Steven yelled, finally looking in their direction, "Steven it's fine" [Y/N] said, pulling the cup away, making Dawn whine.

 "Don't worry baby, I'll get you your juice" the woman said as she turned to the counter. While the woman was facing away, Garnet came up behind her, and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Morning love" the fusion said, almost in a whisper, pressing open mouthed kisses to the back of her neck. All of a sudden, Dawn slammed her hands down on the high chair, "your so impatient Dawn" [Y/N] laughed, giving dawn the cup full of Orange juice. 

A knock at the door caused Steven to shoot up from his spot from infront of it. "Connie's here!" He yelled opening the door, and revealing his friend. "Hi guys!" The girl said, she looked in [Y/N] and Garnets direction when she got into the house, and saw Dawn. "Whose this?" Connie asked, " That's Dawn! She's [Y/N] and Garnets kid!" Steven said, petting Dawn's jet black hair, for a five month-old, her hair grew fast, by the time dawn was 4 months old she already had a full head of thick hair.

When Connie caught sight of what Dawn was drinking, she said to [Y/N], "that's unhealthy for her" the taller woman sighed, "we know, but she won't drink anything else, if it isn't orange juice, she refuses to drink it"

Connie looked concerned, but then looked terrified as she dodged an half full sippy cup that flew towards her. A loud crash let the two parents know that there was a hole in the wall. "Woah" Steven and Connie said as they stated at the hole, "Yeah she got Garnets strength" [Y/N] said. Then they saw the familiar pink figure of lion, who had been absent ever since [Y/N] found out she was pregnant. "Lion! there you are!" Steven yelled watching the large animal enter through the door.

Steven started petting Lion, and started speaking, "so [Y/N], how did you and Garnet meet?" The two lovers looked at each other, then looked at the two kids. The tallest out of all of them, sighed and dragged them over to the couch, "it's not to long, but I'm not gonna stand for the entire story" the fusion said, placing [Y/N] on her lap, while Dawn sat on [Y/N]'s stomach.

|• Its flashback time •|

[Y/N] walked down the shore of the beach, gripping the leash of her dog, Jester, 

[Y/N] walked down the shore of the beach, gripping the leash of her dog, Jester, 

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^^ This is Jester, photo isn't mine

the dog absolutely hated everyone that wasn't [Y/N] or her mom. She was humming, a song that she faintly remembered her grandmother singing to her, she didn't know the lyrics, but she knew by heart the tune.

She was so caught up in her song, that she didn't hear or see the tall woman coming from the side. "That's a beautiful song" the woman said, making [Y/N] flinch, "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" 

 [Y/N] looked at the pink haired woman, and smiled softly, "No it's fine, I'm just startled easily" the taller woman smiled, "so what's your name?"  

"My name is [Y/N], what's yours?" [Y/N] said, "Mine is Rose, may I ask, what's your dog's name?" Rose asked, " This is Jester, he normally doesn't like other people, but he's not barking at you" the 13 year-old said, watching Rose pet the dog.

|• Time skip •|

After a few hours of talking, another person came up to them, it was a tall gem, but not taller than Rose, she looked relatively human. "Oh hi Garnet! Come meet my new friend!" 

Garnets eyes-Well, visors, met [Y/N]'s own eyes, staring for a few minutes before nodding, "Nice to meet you [Y/N]" the tall gem said, "How did you-" the girl started, but cut herself off as her phone buzzed in her pocket. When the girl pulled her phone out, she saw that she had a message from her mom,

'Get home Now' 

The text read, making [Y/N] shudder, "well I gotta go, see you here tomorrow?" She's asked , the two gems nodded, watching her as she walked away.

|• End of flashback •|

 "That was boring" Steven said, "Steven, not all meetings are magical" Garnet said, stroking [Y/N]'s [H/C] hair. "But I thought it'd be more exciting" the boy said, [Y/N] shrugged, but smiled at Steven.

2: 00 AM 

It was fucking two in the morning, and Dawn was deciding not to go to bed, keeping both her parents up in the process.

 "Why won't she go to sleep!" [Y/N] groaned, flopping face first on the pillows, "she's perfectly fine, she doesn't need anything, and she's not in pain!" 

Garnet sent her wife a glare, but didn't say anything, they were both tired. Just as Garnet was about to pass out herself, she got an idea, she looked at her spouse, who was half asleep, and looked at her daughter's gem.

I'm a bright light Garnet was gone, and in her place stood the figures of Ruby and Sapphire. "Hi guys" the girl in the bed grumbled, but looked at sapphire when she crawled onto the bed with her, ruby had as well, and Dawn wasn't crying. The small baby had gotten used to Ruby and Sapphire, but she felt comfortable around Sapphire, due to her calm personality.

Ruby wrapped her arms around [Y/N]'s waist, and Sapphire, who would normally curl up into [Y/N]'s body, but couldn't because of the already sleeping girl inbetween them.

It was clear that [Y/N] has already taken asleep, so the two gems talked until they fell asleep themselves.

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