Chapter seven

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[F/D] = favorite drink•|

Dawn clapped her hands, just like Garnet was doing, she had picked up on the habit of copying other people's actions. Everyone now has to be careful around the young hybrid, which means Amethyst can't do anything stupid, because if Dawn hurt herself or even worse, Garnet was sure as hell going to beat her ass.

The room was quiet, Steven was hanging out with Connie, Amethyst was doing whatever In her room, and Pearl was making dinner. The song playing was the only thing keeping Dawn distracted, they honestly forgot the name of the song. The two parents were tired, because unlike the past few months, Dawn was crying a lot, and once again was keeping them up in the process. 

 "You guys look really tired" Steven said, walking into the house, "yeah someone thinks it's lovely to keep us up all night" [Y/N] said, patting Dawn's black hair, while the small girl continued clapping her hands together, while Garnet had stopped a few minutes ago. "Don't you wanna take a break?" the boy said grabbing a glass of water, "Nah" Garnet declined the thought immediately, "Dawn is very complicated with her needs, and her powers" 

Dawn had Garnet's strength, they found that out the hard way, Ruby's temper and fire powers, and Sapphire's ice powers, which is why she was given the nickname "ice baby", A stupid nickname given to her by Ronaldo once he witnessed her ice powers first hand when he got to close to the small child.

 "Powers?" Steven asked, Steven was the only person in the crystal gems who hasn't figured out about Dawns other  powers. "Yup" [Y/N] said, standing up with dawn in her arms, even though she didn't want to (it broke her heart), she pulled Dawn's pacifier away, which made her start crying, loudly.

The atmosphere was suddenly extremely cold, below freezing actually, [Y/N] didn't look bothered by the fact that she had thin ice growing down her arms.

Once Dawn had the pacifier again, she calmed down, but it took awhile for the temperature to go back to normal.

"She's a handful" Garnet said, allowing [Y/N] to put Dawn in her arms. The small hybrid grabbed a hold of Garnets jumpsuit, and tugged her down, and when the fusion was close enough, she gave Garnet a sloppy baby kiss on her cheek, making everyone else in the room shudder.

Garnet didn't seem bothered by this though, and only wiped the slobber off. "How does that not bother you?" Pearl asked, "Steven did it too" was all she responded with. "Its true" [Y/N] said, feeling goose bumps at the memory of Steven giving her a kiss on her chin when she would watch him with Garnet.

Steven shuddered again and went back outside, while pearl said, "why are we back at the house? Shouldn't we be working on the drill?"

 Garnet and [Y/N] looked at the slender gem, then looked at Dawn, Pearl had the look of realization as she fade flushed blue. "oh, yeah, Dawn..." Dawn tugged on Garnets jumpsuit once again, and let out a whine. The fusion knew what Dawn wanted before the other two could process the sound that Dawn had just let out.

Garnet walked towards the fridge, and grabbed the sippy cup full of Orange juice, then gave it to Dawn. They then left to go back to the drill, first getting what they needed for Dawn.

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