Chapter .3

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Kokichi's POV:

Turns out there was an a ingredient in the Pineapple Panta that changed my hair, so me and Saihara-chan decided to go get a snack in the Dinning room to wait out the sudden hair change.

What we saw next terrified us.


Kaede's body stood in the middle of the dinning room, blood everywhere....blood was coming out of her mouth and her eyes where rolled in the back of her head, there was a kitchen knife a few inches away from Kaede. What stood out though was the huge slit in her throat and all the chairs were thrown around.

"KAEDE!" I heard Saihara say beside me, I stood in shock.

'So Rantaro doesn't die first...'

We soon heard foot steps, and a few screams.

"What's going o- K-KAEDE!?" Kaito ran in first.

"AHHHH!" Tsumugi followed behide Kaito.

"Kaede........S-she, SHE'S DEAD!" Tenko screamed.

Followed by a few sobs here and there especially Shuichi......

"A Body has Been Dicovered! Now then will Everbody Please head to The Dinning Room!"

Monokuma.......That piece of shit!
I could've have saved Kaede! She was so nice!

Gonta, Himiko, Angie, Followed by The others came crashing in.

"Gonta and others heard and announcement, what happened- I-is that Kaede!?"

~Time Skip Brought to You by Hope Bagels~

Me, and Rantaro chose to look around the Dinning room to find clues on who killed Kaede, Shuichi went to look everywhere else other then the Dinning room where Kaede's body was, I knew he was close to Kaede even if it has only been a day being here.

I was looking in the cupboards, and found a note...

I read it.

(You guys gonna find out in the next chapter what it says)

I can't believe it.....

I slipped the note in my pocket, and walked to Rantaro.

"I couldn't find anything in the cupboards, what about you?"
I lied.

Rantaro sigh and scratched his neck. (Shigaraki who?)
"I noticed how the chair on the left of Kaede has this blood stain on the leg. We could guess that when she died blood splattered on the chair, but I don't think that's the case, the blood surrounding her was fresh and the blood on the chair leg was dry."

"Okay! Maybe you should tell Saihara about that, after all he is the Ultimate Detective, he might know something about it."

"You're right I'll get going, but are you sure you're fine alone in here?" Rantaro asked, probably worried another murder would accur.

"Pshhhhh, You think me, The Ultimate Supreme Leader, wouldn't be fine alone? Yeah, yeah I'm fine here alone, plus I think Monokuma just bought some Grape Panta." I said in a teasing voice.

"Heh, alright then." Rantaro gave me a head pat and went to find Shuichi.

Now I need to think........
How the hell am I alive and reliving this.

Shuichi's POV:

I can't believe it...... Kaede....... she's dead, and somebody killed her.
Right now I was in the Library looking for anything that could possibly lead to Kaede's death.

As I was looking through the books, I found one that had blood specks on it. The book was called 'The Flea Waltz', wasn't that a piano piece Kaede told me about.

>"Bloody Book" has been added to the Truth Bullets section in your Monopad.

I opened the book and fliped through the pages and stopped in the middle, there were what looked like a riped page missing from the book.
I was looking around some more when all of a sudden I tripped.
"Ah!" I yelled as I fell to the ground, I looked to see what I tripped on, and found a thick pen that what looked like it had bloody fingerprints on it, but I recognized it This is the one Angie showed us when she found it in her pocket.

>"Angie's Pen" has been added to the Truth Bullets section of your Monopad.

I looked around some more to see if there werw any clues, when I saw Rantaro walk in, but where is Kokichi? Wasn't Rantaro with him?

"Hey Shuichi, sorry to disturb you at a time like this but I found an important clue that may help with the case."
Rantaro said while scratching his neck.

"No no no no, it's fine Rantaro, I think I'm done with the library, anyways what did you want to tell me, also where is Kokichi wasn't he with you?"

"Oh Kokichi is fine, he went to go get some Grape Panta from the fridge."

'That's werid, I thought Monokuma said he was going to get the Grape Panta tomorrow.....'

"But what I wanted to say was that, we I looked in the dinning room, I found a blood stain on the chair to the left of Kaede, but the thing is, I don't think It came from when her neck was sliced."

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I check the blood around Kaede it was fresh like it just happened 10 minutes before we got there, but the blood on the chair was dried up like it has been there before she was killed."

"That's strange, maybe it was there before she was killed, but I wonder if it is even her blood or someone else's."

> "Dried Blood in Dinning Room" has been added to the Truth Bullets section of your Monopad.

Before me and Rantaro could speak any further, we heard...

Ding Dong
Bing Bong

"Okay Everyone! Its the moment you've all be waiting for, It's time for the Class Trial!
Now then, please assemble to the Shrine Of Judgement in the courtyard!"

It was already time for the class trial........
I will find out who killed Kaede!

Chapter Complete

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