Chapter .15

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Song: Ayano's (Ouma's) Theory of Happiness

~Before Kokichi got locked in the Cabinet~

Shuichi's POV:

As Kaito was counting I saw Kokichi run out of there, I turned around and ran to the gym and his behind the huge curtains, I could still here Kaito counting in the distance but I also heard footsteps, I turns around and saw Maki.

"Oh you're hiding here aswell? That's fine I guess.."

Maki walked towards me and sat next to me as we heard Kaito yell.


After a while passed I took out my monopad and looked at the time.


I looked at Maki and she nodded, we then heard loud footsteps run into the gym and up the stairs Kaito pulled back the curtain.

"Ha! I found both if you!"

I chuckled and stood up helping Maki up aswell.

"Yeah I guess you did Kaito.. did you find Kokichi yet?"
Kaito looked at me and shook his head.

"Nope, I looked everywhere to find him first so he couldn't get the win, but I couldn't find him, but I found you guys!"

He scratched the back of his neck.

Maki looked up at Kaito

"Well what are we waiting for, we would waste more time to find him."

I nodded and me, Maki, and Kaito walked out of the gym.

After a hour if searching I tripped and fell.

"Woah Sidekick! You ok!?"

Kaito helped me up and I nodded, I looked down to find a Monopad?

Kaito must have also liked down because I heard him say.

"Who would leave their monopad here?"

He picked it up, and turned it on.

In the corner it said.

'Kokichi Ouma's Monopad'

My eyes widened did something bad happen to him or did he juat drop it.

Kaito also liked concerned and Maki walked behind us.

"What are you two idiots looking at?"

She looked and she looked slighty concerned.

"Why would Ouma leave his monopad behind....unless.."

Maki looked at me and Kaito.

"We need to find him."

Me and Kaito nodded and ran around asking everyone if they had seen Kokichi,  everybody said no... But Miu, Kiibo, and Gonta offered to help

We all looked everywhere, outside, all the labs, the dining room the kitchen, and even the restrooms.

And yet it was already after dinner and all six of us were tired, we found nothing leading to were Kokichi is....

Before we knew it.. the nighttime announcement went off.

We all looked at eachother.

"Let's try again tommorow."
They all nodded and went to their assigned dorms, and I went to mine...

We I made it to the dorms everybody was already inside their own

I looked up and saw Kokichi's dorm, we looked In there many times trying not to go through his boxes and this huge whiteboard he had for his privacy but in the closet and under his bed, but he wasn't there.

I walked into my dorm and flopped in my bed, I looked at the time and sighed, tommorow we will find Kokichi.

Kokichi's POV:

I opened my eyes, and yet again I was still looked in the very very tight dark space....

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I cried, it was most likely midnight and everybody was asleep, so nobody could help me or hear me.

I cried and cried.

Why me....

I wiped my eyes and tried to get comfortable so I can sleep again, but I couldn't.

I think I moved around to much because in the end my back was on the bottom of the cabinet and my feet at the top, and I was stuck, not to mention I got a few bruises from moving around and hitting the sides to much.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine how I can leave this place, I silently cried and waited for this to be over...

After what felt like forever I fell asleep...

Chapter Complete

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