Chapter 15

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A/N~ Hey there, he he Ok first of all im so so sorry for doing that but as i read this i thought, im making it to easy for this two man, so i added a lil bit of drama, i know i know bad bad Viv, so I kind of, maybe, possibly fix it with this next chap, its short but efficient, so no more BIG CAPS *cough* LIZ*cough*. Enjoy! TA~TA.


Seeley’s Pov

‘’Quit being a fucking idiot and fix this’’. Kevin growled at me.

‘’Kevin fucking go away, I’m not in the mood to hear your quacking’’. I drawl as I stare at weird looking duck.

‘’I’m a fucking chicken you dumbass’’. He snaps angrily and I just roll my eyes.

I was being an asshole I know, my feelings were all over the place. Nate surprised me this morning by telling me he was moving out. I wanted him to be with me forever.

At the same time, I’m terrified that if I ask him to stay, he would just walk out on me like Elizabeth did.

I don’t think I can handle if Nate leaves me, no that would kill me.

I ran out of there as if someone had lighted up a match on my ass.

I drove around, just thinking about all this. I love him, and couldn’t help but think, does he love me?

I was out of control, I yelled at Brandon because he blamed it on me, how was it my fault Nate leaving?

Sophie was sad; she went to her room locking the door behind her, but not before giving me this heartbreaking look.

In addition, here I’m sitting on my bed, desperate to go grab Nate, kiss him senseless and after beg him to stay with me.

Would he stay if I ask him? I want him for me; I want him to be there for my kids.

I never want to let him go.

‘’Seeley you love him, you know you do’’. Kevin soothe as he came to site next to me on my bed.

‘’What if he doesn’t, he is young Kevin and raising kids and being with a thirty year old man might not be in his plans’’. I grumble, I did love him, no point in denying that, but is my love enough for him.

Her Mistake Was My Gain (MxM) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now