Chapter 3

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Brandon's pic is on the side>

Seeley’s Pov.

‘’We might have found someone’’. Kevin says while looking everywhere but at me.

‘’Ok, who and how old is she?’’ I ask eager, I need it someone fast and I did not care how much I had to pay her.

‘’Seeley the thing is, well you need to keep an open mind to things ok’’. I narrow my eyes at him, I do not like where he is going with this.

‘’Out with it Kevin, what’s up?’’ I growl not caring about Pierce’s glare at me for scaring his princess.

‘’The thing is, well he is a friend of mine and Pierce’s and needs a job and board’’. Kevin drawls slowly.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, so where was the problem in all this.

‘’I do not understand’’. I mumble sighing while I plop on the couch.

‘’So I am either becoming stupid or I really need the rest and I hope is the latter’’. I grumble rubbing my temples.

‘’It is a good guy, he just got disown by his parents for being gay and needs to find a place and a job to support himself and his college’’. Kevin concludes and I stop rubbing my temples to stare at him.

‘’Ok, so it is a guy?’’ I question and Kevin nods quickly.

‘’Yes, but he can learn how to take care of the kids and if you hire him now me and Pierce can help him learn the kid’s schedule and yours and where he has to go and stuff’’. Kevin urges and gives me a pleading look.

I am desperate for a nanny.

 However, this boy sounds like he comes with a lot of baggage, which I could always say leave your problems out of here.

The fact that it is a boy and not a girl does not bother me for the simple fact that Pierce and Kevin are married my kids need to know love its love no matter the gender.

I sigh and look at Pierce and Kevin, I then turn to check the time and found that it was almost time to pick up the kids.

I took all day to look for a nanny and failed; it looks like this boy was my last and only chance and maybe I can keep on looking for someone more qualifying at a slow pace. All I have to explain is that this could be a trial run yeah ok.

‘’Ok have him come over tonight for dinner so that the kids and me can meet him, and since it is you guy’s friend then you should both be here too’’. I decided and Kevin squeals like a girl.

‘’How do you put up with the squealing man? He sounds like a pig’’. I ask Pierce while scrunching my face at Kevin’s squealing.

‘’Boy please I sound sexy’’. Kevin huffs and Pierce laughs.

‘’I am sure you do, I am sure’’. I sigh standing up to go grab my car keys.

‘’Ok, so Pierce is going to go get Nate, I will stay and start dinner while you go and get the kids’’. Kevin states in a bossy tone.

‘’Yes dear, is there anything else you want me to do, cut my balls off so you can stick them in your purse’’. I chided lazily.

‘’As if I go anywhere near those things’’. Kevin snorts while pointing at my private area.

I wanted to say something defend myself but the truth was  that if my ex-wife had to look for someone then that meant I was not good enough.

‘’Don’t, please don’t get that look on your face’’. Kevin murmur while wrapping his slender arms around me.

Her Mistake Was My Gain (MxM) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now