Chapter 8

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Nate’s Pov

For three days, I was on bed rest.

I’m not sure why, but Seeley insisted on it.

However, who am I to argue, I wasn’t as traumatized as I should be for the simple reason that Seeley got there on time and I don’t remember anything that happened that night.

I still have so many questions, like where were the clothes I wore that night.

How did I get in to my Pj’s, I was scared to ask Seeley.

I smile as I thought of Seeley; he has been so nice to me.

Weather is pity or whatever I didn’t care, I’ve never had anyone being this nice to me.

He was home more, he cooked dinner and we ate as a family, and that was a nice feeling.

‘’Hey Nate here taste this’’. Seeley chirps happily.

I turn to find him already with a wooden spoon up to my face.

I slightly open my lips and he slowly stuck it inside my mouth.

I moaned as I tasted it the pasta, it wasn’t as if I’ve never ate it before.

It was just that Seeley was feeding it to me; there was something so romantic in that small gesture that had my heart beat rapidly.

Then I remember and reluctantly came back to reality, this isn’t a lover feeding me, this is my very straight boss.

‘’Sorry, I tend to enjoy food too much’’. I mumble and blushed.

‘’I notice’’. He pipes follow by a chuckle.

I stood up and walked out the door, I went to get Sophie who was all excited for tomorrow’s concert at her school.

Brandon was in his room once again killing zombies.

‘’Hey Peanut, are you ready for dinner?’’ I ask and she smiles at me.

‘’Yes, Nate how do you know when you like a boy?’’  My smile drop and I went to sit next to her on her bed.

‘’Peanut, don’t you think you should be asking your dad this?’’ I murmur while playing with a lock of her hair.

‘’No, are you crazy’’. She gasps as I said this and my eyebrows were scrunched.

‘’What do you mean?’’ I ask her feeling confused.

‘’The other day daddy was on the phone with grandma. And I heard him say that here soon he was going to lock me, Brandon and even you in a room and he’ll keep the key, til we were thirty and even then he would think about it, so that boys won’t get to us’’. I snort at how serious she looks while saying this.

Wait is she serious.

Did Seeley say that?

 I got up and walk to the kitchen with Sophie behind me.

‘’Seeley, did you really say that you were going to lock me and the kids in a room?’’ I question, I don’t know whether to be happy about him including me or piss that he wants to treat me like one of his children.

I’m a man damn it, I don’t need a father I need a lover.

‘’Yes but in my defense it sounded so much better when I said it’’. He declares looking away from me.

‘’Yeah, I bet it did’’. I snort and grab Sophie’s hand.

‘’Who do you like peanut?’’. I question her and her cheeks filled with red.

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