Little Facts

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A/n: This is just little facts that I will update about the reader and her relationships with the different gems as the story goes on. If there is someone you would like to hear about then please comment on this a/n and I'll try my best to write it.


Y/n is know for giving nicknames to a lot of gems, she does it because who the heck wants to remember all those boring numbers and letters. These are the nicknames she gave to the Diamonds.

Y/n has nicknames for all the Diamonds. She calls Blue her 'little blueberry' because of some obviously reasons but the other reasons are because Blue can look appealing from the outside but is actually kind of sour once you get to her inside self but she has her moment where she can be sweet(like a blueberry)

For Yellow she calls her 'our sun', also for obvious reasons but other reasons are because if you try and get too close she'll burn you without hesitation and won't regret it or think about it. Even though she actually does want to help she ends up doing more harm than help(like the sun)

For White she calls her 'Moonshine' Not many people know this nickname. Y/n calls her this because one, White is very bright and the shine of the moon can be very blinding. She also calls her this because the moon is mysterious just like White, not a lot was known until she lets it be known.

And for Pink, Y/n would call her 'My little rose bud' now she called her this because for one, Pink didn't come out in the way she was intended to. She was obviously smaller than the other Diamonds, meaning her growth had gone wrong. Y/n calls her rose bud because she had yet to become 'fully grown mentally' as a human would put it. Pink wasn't ready for all the work the Diamonds had but she thought she was so she tried to bloom and failed, leading to her shattering.

Black Diamond's Powers (07-04-21)

Black diamond has the power to manipulate. Just manipulate in general, I mean objects as well as life forms.

Black can manipulate anything that can actually be seen, it would take a lot more out of her to manipulate something like the wind.

She's mostly known for manipulating disobedient gems and making them realize their mistakes but she doesn't condone any forms of torture like the other diamonds do.

This is one of the many reasons she no longer claims White. When White diamond found out Pink's pearl was "defective" she immediately opted to give Pink her pearl instead and took control over Pink's old pearl, turning her into what she is today.

This was when Black saw White for what she truly was. Black didn't like that White would hurt her "children" so when Black turned over the throne White began looking for ways to regain validation from Black although the much older diamond constantly ignores any and all attempts to gain her attention.

My Little Blueberry (blue diamond x black diamond reader)Where stories live. Discover now