2: Time well spent, I think..

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Your P.O.V

Arriving at Homeworld , I step out of the aircraft to be met with Yellow's pearl. She gives me the diamond salute nervously as I walk past her with my pearl following close behind me.

Walking through the Halls of Yellow's sector, I can see all the busy gems outside and inside doing their jobs properly and in a hurry. Arriving upon Yellow's throne room, Pearl uses the hand touch pad to unlock it and steps aside so I can walk through.

I see Yellow sitting anxiously at her throne, tapping her foot repeatedly on the ground, I lightly chuckle at this nervous habit of hers and clear my throat, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yellow?" I call out in a playful voice, Yellow's head shoots up and she stands walking towards me with a nervous expression.

Mind you, I am taller than both Yellow and Blue being just under White's eye line. Meaning I am almost a head taller than Yellow and Blue.

Yellow stands in front of me with a very nervous expression. "Pearls? Leave us please" I softly ordered, and when I heard the door closed, I turned Yellow again.

I quietly walk around her and sit in her throne, crossing my right leg over the left. I lean back into the chair and rest my arm onto the arm of the chair, placing my head into my palm, I make a 'come here' motion with my finger. I can see Yellow visibly gulp as she walks towards me, "Yes, Black?" I can hear the small tremble in her voice, "You know what to do"

I smirk as I watch Yellow get down onto her knees and bows her head "I wonder what your court would think if they saw the mighty Yellow Diamond kneeling before me" I chuckle at the bright blush appears on her cheeks, a sign of pure embarrassment and I'm loving every second of it.

"So, how's your gem production going? Anything I need to know about?" Here, let me explain. Yellow is mostly in charge of gem production, making new soldier gems or workers for the rest of the diamonds. I check up on the others to see the progress of any projects they have at the moment.

My favorite time is when I get to bring Yellow down, make her feel like she has no power. I could never do any of this to Blue though, she's such a soft soul I could never say all these things to get. Yellow although, she thinks she can control MY Blue, it's one of the many reasons I like to mess with her mind.

Anyways, Yellow looks up at me with nervousness and clears her throat. "G-gem production has been halted for now Black" the small, almost unnoticeable stutter Yellow gives makes me smile slightly.

I already know every single thing going on in Yellow's and Blue's colonies and with their courts, I'm basically their 'supervisor'.

"Oh? And why is that Yellow?" I know exactly why, "The Crystal Gems.." That's the first time Yellow hasn't stuttered since I arrived. I stand up and walk closer towards Yellow, I can see her flinch everytime my heels click against the ground.

I give a dramatic sigh, "Look at me" Yellow looks up at me, a look of fear on her face, "You let rebels, The Crystal Gems mind you, the same rebels that shattered Pink, our daughter, stop gem production?"

I can see Yellows expression change, realizing her big mistake "B-black I'm so sorry, I didn't realize-" I interrupt her, "Just like you didn't realize Pink got shattered? You never really cared for Pink, did you?" I give her a very stern look, walking towards the door and opening it, "I'm going to visit Blue, if you know what's good for you don't come"

I walk out the door and past both the pearls, mine having Yellow's pearl pinned to the wall, a smug smirk on her face. Yellow's pearl as a deep blush on hers, "Pearl" My pearl turns her head in my direction then back towards Yellow's pearl "see ya later cutie"

Pearl gives her a kiss on the cheek and walks towards me, I smirk as I watch Yellow's pearl fall to the floor with a bright blush upon her cheeks. "Pearl what have I told you about playing with your food?" I raise a playful brow towards the little gem, she smiles up at me and looks towards Yellow pearl "I couldn't help it , she's so cute when she's flustered" I chuckle softly and sigh "let's get going Pearl, we're going to see Blue"

I walk back to my ship with Pearl by my side and ask Ruby to set course for the human zoo. I sit in my throne and cross my right leg over the left, relaxing in my seat peacefully as the ship starts up.

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