3: The Diamond Authority

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Your P.O.V

Let me explain the Diamond Authority to all my little starlings out there. The diamond authority used to consist of myself, Pink, Yellow, Blue, and White. Unfortunately we...I lost Pink to something, someone who doesn't deserve to live. Rose Quartz.

Rose Quartz is a rebel that was under Pink's court. She went rouge one day, starting a rebellion named The Crystal Gems and ended up starting a war. The war lasted for thousands of years but the rebels had lost. Many of the diamonds gems were shattered or bubbled and kept with the remaining crystal gems.

From rumors I've heard those Crystal Gems are still alive and they have a human boy by the name of Steven Universe. The boy doesn't seem to be all human as the stories say but a half-human half gem, an organic and a gem being, how ridiculous I know. Love seems to come in all shapes and sizes and he seems to be the living variation of it. It is beautiful no? Seeing your creation become something so... mysterious?

Anyways, this is my mural...

(Yes I did edit this picture as I wanted it to fit the storyline if you can guess what part of the picture I edited I'll give you a sneak peek of the next chapter 😁)

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(Yes I did edit this picture as I wanted it to fit the storyline if you can guess what part of the picture I edited I'll give you a sneak peek of the next chapter 😁)

I am Black Diamond, the hidden diamond of the authority. Being Black Diamond can be very depressing but I know who I am, what I am, and what my purpose is in this world. Most gems think I'm only a myth or legend of some kind but I can assure that I'm 100% real.


We finally arrive at the human zoo, I stand and begin to walk out of the Homeworld ship. My pearl quickly follows after me as I walk to the entrance to the human zoo. The Amethyst guards that were once laughing look up to see me and quickly give me the diamond salute, as well as a, rushed "My Diamond!" I chuckle lightly and wave my hand dismissively as I walk past the two. "Where's Holly Blue Agate?" I look over my shoulder to the guard on my right and she looks up at me nervously, "She's busy escorting a Sapphire to Blue Diamond, My Diamond".

I hum and nod, looking back forward, "Take me to the containment area please, I'd like to speak with the humans" Both guards nod and lead the way to the human containment area, we turn a corner to see Holly Blue, a pearl, a sapphire, and a ruby. Holly is mid-sentence when she opens her eyes to see me looking down at her, she releases a gasp and quickly gives me the diamond salute. Holly Blue looks at the other gems around her and glares at them, they all quickly get the gesture and give me the diamond salute as well.

I wave my hand dismissively and look at the gems with a confused expression, "Did Blue Diamond ask for a Sapphire?" I ask suspiciously, I see the Pearl get a nervous expression and look down at the Sapphire. The Ruby tries to grab the Sapphire's hand without anyone noticing, I decided to ignore this as it isn't important to me what other gems decide to do in private. "I came to deliver a human, I saw in my vision she would want more humans for the zoo.." The Sapphire looks up at me with a look of agitation upon her face. "That sounds like something Blue would do.." I see the pearl release a sigh from the corner of my eye. I've come to the conclusion that these are intruders, I smile at the group of gems and feel the tension in the air release.

"Very well then but Sapphire could you come here for a minute, I'd like to talk with you about something" I see the Ruby squeeze the Sapphire's hand, the pearl is visibly nervous and Holly Blue is a bit jealous. The Sapphire nods and I turn around, beginning to walk around a corner away from the other gems. I look at my pearl and she gives me a nod in return, I see her walk up to the other pearl and see her instantly blush. I giggle to myself quietly and turn around to the look at the nervous Sapphire. I bend down to her level and she gasps sharply. "I know who you all are, you aren't very good at hiding your emotions" The Sapphire starts to freeze up and shake.

"Are you going to shatter us..?" The Sapphire says, barely over a whisper. "Heavens no, I may be a Diamond but I'm not that cruel, I just want to know what you're here for" The Sapphire sighs in relief. She cautiously looks up at me. "Can we trust you?" I look at her blankly for a second and start to laugh, she looks at me confused. "I don't think you have a choice in this one dear" I smile at the nervous Sapphire. "We're here to help a human friend, Blue Diamond brought a human here and we're trying to get him back" I look at her confused, "That's it? Ok then I'll help you get the human. I was heading to the containment area anyways, what's his name?"

"His name is Greg but his son Steven is also in there with him.." the Sapphire looks down nervously and looks back up to see I'm not in front of her anymore but down the hall, I look back at her and give her a small smile. I turn the corner to see the intruder pearl pinned against the wall by my pearl, I giggle and grab the attention of all the gems. I raise an eyebrow at my pearl and she gives me a smile. "Pearl?" She kisses the other pearl on the cheek and turns to me, 'Yes, My Diamond?" she walks in front of me and gives me the usual salute, "What have I told you about playing with food, I'm sure I taught you better than this, no?" My pearl giggles and bows her head, "My apologies My Diamond, you know I can never help myself when the food always looks so good"

My pearl looks back over at the other pearl and gives her a wink, her face irrupts with a light blue hue. I hum and look at the Ruby to see her being visibly agitated, which is probably because the sapphire isn't around right now and she'd getting worried. They are definitely lovers and have been for a long time. They are never apart for long which is probably why they're both so jumpy, they most likely stay fused most of the time they are together. They are quite cute together though, they must've been through a lot together.

"Well Holly Blue Agate, I'll be on my way to the containment area now, Have a nice rest of your visit Sapphire" I bow my head slightly in acknowledgment and walk past the gems into the direction of the containment area. My pearl and the Amethyst guards quickly catch up to me.

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