5: High Tension

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Your P.O.V

Currently sitting in my throne room in complete silence was not how I thought I'd be wasting my time. After what happened in Pink's zoo, there has been a lot of tension between Yellow and I, a lot more than usual. I'm sure our disagreement is upsetting Blue but Yellow was in the wrong therefore I shall not be apologizing anytime soon for having a correct opinion.

We also found out that those gems that came to the zoo were the Crystal Gems. I am still upset at myself for not noticing it was them, they've changed over the years of hiding on Earth.

"Pearl?" My pearl looks up from her tablet to address me, "Yes My Diamond?" I release a sigh and sit up in my throne, "Call Blue for me please" Pearl nods and turns back to her tablet, "Of course My Diamond"

The diamond line begins to ring and Blue's sorrowful expression fills the screen, I feel my gem wrench at this. "Hello Blue, how have you been?" It had only been a couple of Earth days since the incident at Pink's zoo but I still felt like most of it was my own fault.

Blue gives me a soft smile and I can feel my gem melt and warm up at how cute she looks, "I've been doing fine Black, no need to worry about me, how have you been? Keeping everything in check as usual?"

I hum and lean back in my throne, "Of course of course, if not me then who would keep Homeworld running correctly? Certainly not White, I'll tell you that" I mutter the last bit to myself as I get an update on our gem production. I look back at the Diamond Line to see that Blue had frozen up, most likely because of the mention of White.

"You know Blue, you don't have to be afraid of White. She won't hurt you, I won't let her" I can see Blue physically relax a bit, her shoulder going down and her breathing evening out. "O-of course I know Black, but knowing what she's capable of is still something my mind isn't able to process"

I smile sadly towards the fragile gem, Blue has always been more sensitive than all of us others. It's one of my many reasons for being so protective of her, I won't let anyone hurt her. Even if I end up getting shattered because of it.

"Blue why don't we visit Earth, just one last time before the Cluster destroys it? Maybe that would ease your mind a bit from the stress?" Blue gives me a tender smile in which I respond with my own. "That would be lovely Black, thank you... for caring.."

For Blue being a Diamond, you'd never think she would be this fragile. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one stressing over recent times, all Yellow cares about is making sure Earth and everything on it is wiped off our star maps. White avoids all contact with the others and has shut herself off of any and all emotions. It's almost as if she is a newly emerged pearl, looking for someone to give her a command.

I feel as though I am the only 'sane' Diamond on Homeworld, that is if you could call a Diamond sane. I do not wish to hurt or harm organic beings but for my daughter I shall do what I must, even if that means giving my life for hers then so be it. For she was my most prized possession and she will forever be with me.

Before I even notice, I had began to cry. Genuine tears of sadness or maybe regret?? It doesn't matter, I have to be there for Blue.

"Pearl, arrange for a ship to Earth as soon as possible" Pearl nods and begins tapping away at her screen.


Blue and I had finally made it to Earth, landing in one a wide field of lilys. The air around us was very peaceful, this was a place of tranquility and happiness. It was exactly what we both need at the moment.

I take a seat on the bright green grass and softly pat the spot next to me. Blue gives me a gentle smile and gracefully seats herself next to me.

We sit in silence for a minute or so before she begins to speak, "Have you ever been truly sad Black?" I give a broken smile in response to the question.

"Of course, I have lived much long than you could ever imagine, I have seen things that made me wish I were to be shattered but I have created many things in this universe that I am very proud of. Of course sadness comes naturally when you are grieving, no one can help you get over that stage but yourself Blue"

As Blue let's my words sink in as I take in our surroundings. The area in which we are in didn't seem to have much organic life besides the plants that grew as they pleased. The many tress looked as if they would either away if you so much as breathed in their direction, there were no human made structures from what I could tell. It looked as if someone had planted all these lilys and left them to grow as they please, not taking responsibility and just leaving them to do whatever.

'That sounds similar to what I've done with White, I need to have a conversation with her soon about the progress of gemkind and Homeworld'

I release a sigh and look to see Blue already looking in my direction, I flash her my best smile and gently brush a strand of hair that had gone rogue. "Shall we head back to Homeworld? Much work is to be done because this Cluster emerges"

Blue nods sadly and looks around her for a minute longer while I stand to my feet and approach the ship, "Come along Blue" The diamond looks over at me as I offer out a hand for her to take. She gives me a soft smile and stands to her full height, taking my hand as I help her board the ship.

'Back to Homeworld we go'

A/n: It feels weird actually writing on this account again dude holy crap. Welp that was chapter five, hopefully it wasn't too bad since most of it was already written I didn't look over any of it. I also updated the "Little Facts" chapter where you can now see somethings about Black's powers!!

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