4: Just A Little More Blue

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A/n: The picture above is a new book I was working on before losing my account. Now that I have it back I'll continue updates for this one and work on the new book so look forward to it.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Your P.O.V

I round a corner to come in contact with a pink door, this one door brings back so many memories. Good and bad but memories none the less. I walk towards the door and my Pearl quickly opens it for me, I smile down at her and walk into the pink room. The first thing is see is a weeping Blue sitting under Pink's bubbled Quartz soldiers.

"Blue?" I call out quietly, not wanted to startle the poor gem. Blue looks over her shoulder and I can feel my gem(heart) break from the sorrowful look in her eyes, "My poor Blue, it's ok I miss her too" I bend down to Blue's level and wipe the freshly shed tears on her cheeks. The Diamond looks up at me with admiration, a small but unspoken thanks in her eyes. I smile softly at her and place a small kiss on her forehead. The gems cheeks flush a dark blue and I smile softly seeing she isn't as sad anymore. "Yellow will be in her way here soon, you know how she feels about the bubbled Quartz Blue.."

Blue looks up towards the bubbled gems and sighs sadly, she holds my hand against her cheek and closes her eyes for a second. A long silence fills the air around us, a long but comfortable silence before Blue finally speaks her first words since I came. "I know Black but... it's all we have left of her.."

I see new tears start to form in Blue's eyes and frown slightly, not liking when the gentle gem cries. "That's not true Blue, we still have memories of her and those will last as long as we want them to, Pink isn't completely gone.." Blue looks up at me with eyes similar to a newly made gem before her powers overflow and affect all the gems in the room. My eyes fill with tears and for the first time since Pink's shattering, I genuinely cry. I bring Blue closer to me and wipe her tears, trying to get her to calm down.

Third Person P.O.V

Without the two gems noticing that two little humans were already in the room hiding. The door opens another time only for Black Diamond to notice and give a sharp glare towards the other gem that enters.

Yellow flinches and shivers slightly, feeling the intense glare Black gives to her once she enters. Yellow clears her throat and Blue looks up from her position on my shoulder. "Please tell me you're joking, you only just left and you're already back" Yellow begins to walk towards the two other diamonds.

Your P.O.V

My glare towards Yellow sharpens as Blue frantically wipes her tears, "Yellow, what are you doing here?" Blue looks up at the gem to see her roll her eyes, "I'm here to bring you back to reality" Yellow turns away from Blue and I stand in front of Blue, not likely where this conversation is going. Blue glares slightly, "I'm fine, just leave me alone". "It's been thousands of years blue and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz, the entire cut of gem deserves the same fate." I sigh and face the angry Diamond, "Not all things can be solved by violence Yellow, you of all people should know such things" I glare at the smaller diamond and she looks away frustrated.

Blue looks as if she about to cry again, "But they were hers.." I look down sadly at the blue gem and kneel beside her, I place a hand on her shoulder and give her a sad smile, almost telling her she'll be ok. "They should be wiped out of existence not kept safe in bubbles!" Yellow raises her voice at Blue and I try not to snap. "Yellow she made them, this is all we have left of her..these gems, this place, and the Earth.." Yellow releases a frustrated sigh and walks past Blue with a glare whole I continue to comfort the sad gem.

My Little Blueberry (blue diamond x black diamond reader)Where stories live. Discover now