SC: History

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A/n: This is pretty much a lore kind of chapter, you don't have to read it if you don't want to but it will explain something's that people might have been confused about. Like Whites obsession with Black or Yellow and Black's childish feuds.

Your P.O.V

There was a time in which I ruled Homeworld. It was nothing like it is now, it looked different and felt different.

Would you like to hear a story? Of before Era 1, when White didn't rule and Blue, Yellow and Pink were nothing but a mere thought?

Before there was only White and I. White was in charge of gem production while I ruled all of Homeworld, we were peaceful. I did not concur neighboring planets nor did I shatter gems. I ruled Homeworld with peace and loyalty.

That all changed when I gave White her very first official command besides managing gem production. She was tasked with the job of creating two new Diamonds, this was something very important and not to be taken lightly. While she did this I looked after every single gem on Homeworld, I was their mother and they were my children.

It took White over a millennial to finally come to me with two perfectly cut Diamonds. The poor gem had no idea she couldn't actually grow Diamonds like I could but she was so determined to prove herself and I didn't want to hurt her pride. I was proud of her as White is my daughter, I did make her after all.

I showered the young gem in many praise and let her teach the two Diamonds their roles on Homeworld and their responsibilities. These teachings went on for about a century before the two were ready to be shown to all of Homeworld. Of course they were nervous but being that White taught them and I trusted her with all our important affairs I knew the two would do perfectly, and that they did.

All of Homeworld welcomed the two with open arms, I was a proud mother of millions. White, my oldest daughter, was finally shaping up to be a perfect ruler for when I step down from my throne. I had taught her well and knew she was ready for her very own seat in the official monarchy.

Just because you were a Diamond did not mean you got an immediate position of power. You had to earn it, like I did and whoever came before me, IF there was a being before I.

These were the morals, beliefs and values I had set for my White and she followed said code for millennials until...

I publicly gave up my throne to White, that did not mean I would be leaving the monarch it just meant I was stepping down as the official 'mother' of Homeworld and passing the title onto White. Not many agreed with this but that was not my problem to solve anymore, it was White's.

This was my first mistake.

Gems began to go missing, at first I thought of it as gems not doing their jobs and slacking off but that changed when I had saw what White was doing. She was destroying all gems that didn't come out 'perfectly' and commanding others to execute them no matter what because they were not 'perfect' for my eyes to see.

I knew I had to stop this behavior and so I confronted White about it.

"White this isn't what we do!! This goes against everything I've ever taught you, have you no shame?!" White continued to look at me with a wide smile, "Aren't you proud of me mother?! All the gems I make shall be perfect just for you, none of them shall be deformed!!" I look at the younger gem in disappointment and turn my back to her.

"You, White, are no longer my daughter. My daughter wouldn't do something like this, something so cruel just for praise" Tears begin got rise in my eyes, I want to turn around and hold her. Tell her that it'll be alright and that she can stop this madness but she is beyond repair. "Where did I go wrong White? Did I not give you the attention you seek, was I not a good mother to you and all the other gems on Homeworld?! Is that it?! What caused you to resort to such fruitless tactics?!"

White's face goes blank, all traces of emotion have faded and been replaced with nothing. "I wanted your praise again... I wanted to hear you say you were proud of all the things I've accomplished but since I've taken over the throne that hasn't happened, you've barely even looked my way!!"

I look at what used to be my daughter and begin to walk out the door, "Don't leave, if you walk out that door I'll stop at nothing for you to praise me again, I'll earn your love back I promise it" I quickly leave the room and never looked back.

After that I never talked to White, the only way we would ever communicate is through our pearls, which was also something she made in which to earn praise from me but being who I am I do not believe in using another gem as something similar to a slave or servant. It felt wrong and degrading to that gem, what if that's not how that wanted to live out their years? What if they wanted to be somewhere far from the drama of us Diamonds and yet you trap them with the task of being your eternal servant.

Because of all these new gems White had been making I hadn't made my own in quite some time.

This is how Pink was made, my youngest daughter. I cared for her even as she was in the crust of Homeworld. I knew that once she emerged she would be something great and possibly do something great as well.

I was the only Diamond capable of making other Diamonds, I never questioned that until now but I'm sure it doesn't mean anything.

Once Pink has emerged all my attention went to her and making sure she new her responsibilities as a Diamond, I wasn't going to let her learn under White after what she had done to my children and Homeworld. When Pink emerged White announced that a new ear was starting, Era 1. No one understood what this meant and neither did myself for a while.

White had cut off all communication with Blue and Yellow, only sending her Pearl if needed. After a while I began to care less and less, being as old as I was it was tiring to be worried about something such as White not communicating with her 'sisters'. I say 'sisters' because yes I did technology create the two but she grew them, meaning she would be considered their mother but they only see her as a higher up or a harmful threat if they aren't careful.

To make a long story short. White lost the power to feel emotions after I had 'disowned' her, her only reason of still living is to "Earn my love and praise" these are her words.

White is still a very young gem, as well as Yellow and Blue. They have much to learn about themselves, each other and Earth. It seems as though I may be old but I haven't stopped learning new things either.

A/n: This was kinda stupid to be honest. I'll probably explain stuff better in a later chapter but for now please look forward to the next chapter of the book, it's called 'High Tension' you'll be getting some fluffyness and good vibes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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