1: Yellow's misfortune

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A/n: That is what Black Pearl looks like, the art isn't originally mines, I recolored and redrew it to fit my character design.

A/n: That is what Black Pearl looks like, the art isn't originally mines, I recolored and redrew it to fit my character design

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Your P.O.V

I'm Black Diamond... Not many people or gems know of my existence nor should they. Well let me tell you about my self.

When Pink Diamond was shattered I was enraged. How could someone kill such a kind gem? At first I thought it was Yellow. She never seemed to like Pink.

Then the Crystal Gems happen to come along and it all made sense.

Rose Quartz shattered Pink! But... Why? Pink never hurt the humans or gems she met. So... Why? Why her ,why not Yellow or Blue...

Ever since that day Blue was never the same. She became determined to keep anything that Pink created or had with her.

It was kind of creepy mind you. It seemed as if she were...obsessed.

Yellow would try to keep her emotions from being seen but I knew how she felt, guilt, like she were the one that shattered our poor Pink.

White became even more distant with Yellow and Blue, I don't say 'us' because of White's um how do I put this "obsessive" behavior towards me. She craves my attention every Jupiter day and it can be slightly annoying.

Nevertheless I love them all equally although I like to keep to myself , I try my best to check in on them when I'm not busy with my colonies. Which is now.

"Pearl?" I call out softly. "Yes my diamond?" Pearl turns to me and looks up at me, I give her a small smile "call Yellow please" I continue to check the progress of my most recent colony. "Of course my diamond" Pearl pulls up a screen from her digital table and calls Yellow.

"Yes, this is Yellow Diamonds pearl speaking?" I scoff slightly at hearing the overly confident pearl. "Where is Yellow?" I ask in a now stern tone compared to the one I used with my pearl. Yellow's pearl opens her eyes and sees me looking at another screen, her eyes widen and she almost gasps when she sees me.

"Black Diamond?!" She whisper yells to herself and I can see my pearl trying not to laugh at the shaken state of the young pearl.

I giggle at this and then see Yellow's face on the screen "Hello Yellow" I say putting my arm on the armrest of my throne and putting my head in my hand. "Hello Blue" Yellow says with a slight sigh without looking at the call. I snicker lightly, "think again sweetheart" I say in a sing songy voice as smirk slightly as I see her turn and look into the camera, I give a small wave and smile. Yellow's face becomes a darker shade of yellow as I see her curse herself for a little mistake.

"B-black to what do I owe the pleasure?" Yellow asks in a nervous tone, "no need to be so formal Yellow, we're all friends here, aren't we Pearl?" I put my hand to the ground and Pearl steps onto it and sits at the edge of my hand with her legs crossed. "Yes my diamond" Pearl responds in a soft tone of voice, looking up at me with a small smile, "very good Pearl, you may leave now" I set her back down as she does the diamond salute, I wave my hand in a playful shoo manner and giggle lightly as she walks out of the door.

I turn back towards the call and still see a slightly flustered Yellow Diamond, "Yellow?" I ask in a teasing tone just to see her get more flustered "Y-yes my- I mean Black? How can I help you?" Yellow stutters at the little mistake she made, I chuckle softly at her little ' mistake ' and try not to embarrass her more.

"How are you and Blue doing? It's been a while since I've checked in, hopefully you didn't destroy any gems without my consent have you?" I raise my left eyebrow in a questioning manner, looking Yellow in the eyes I can see her gulp slightly , "n-no Black, of course not.." Yellow quickly changes the topic of conversation. "When shall you be back? Blue has been asking of your whereabouts" I sigh quietly, making a thinking face, "would now suffice?" I turn and look back at Yellow to see her with a panicked expression, "wh-whatever you think is best Black" I can hear the nervousness in her tone as I stand up and leave my room, walking down the huge empty hallways of one of my colonies.

"Hm" I quietly hum as a response that I'm listening, calling over one of my amethyst guards ,I politely ask her to fetch a peridot to send me to Homeworld, she blushes slightly and does the diamond salute then marches off to find a peridot.

"I'll be there soon so keep yourself occupied until then Yellow, tell Blue of my return and don't let White find out please, if you can follow these simple instructions then maybe I'll let you off easy for your snarky comments behind my back" Yellow lets out a small gasp and I hear her quickly tell her pearl to deliver the news, sitting up straight in her chair and clearing her throat she says a goodbye and leaves the call.

At that moment Pearl comes and says my aircraft is ready to deliver me to Homeworld with my assigned peridot ,Ruby guards and sapphire is ready. Walking to the airship and stepping into it, sitting at my seat , I offer my hand to my pearl and watch her step onto it and sit her on my lap, sitting back and relaxing I think of all the things that will be happening in Era 2.

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