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Hey everybody. I am back once again. I just wanted to write this an to explain some things. If you're not interested in reading boring and sappy shit then you can skip this.

So my last update to this was in May, not far from my birthday and I said that I would hopefully update within the month. Well that didn't go to plan as I soon fell into a deep depression filled with writers block and suicidal thoughts. I don't think I ever related to my character Talon more than at that point. I am failing my senior year and I also started to suspect that I might have adhd. I wont go much into detail about my personal life because I want to be as non identifiable as possible but I think it has started to become a bit more manageable even though yesterday I sat in my bed for 4 hours crying and listening to music just trying to get the motivation to get up and take a shower. As of the time im writing this (December 30, hope you guys had a nice Christmas!) I am going to be talking to a mental health specialist and hopefully I can find some way to help myself.

Anyways lets switch to how that effects this book. I am still currently writing. Like i said in the previous chapter, I have no plans to abandon this book, I want to finish it so bad. My problem is that even though I have tons of ideas and have planned out what will happen for the chapters, I struggle just actually getting them written down. I have 4 chapters written at this point and I think it is possible that I have gotten to a story arc that I can write much easier. I was originally planning to wait to post this until I had more chapters prewritten but I think ill post it now. Let me know if I should also post chapter 30 or if you guys want me to wait until i have more chapters stocked up. I just don't want to have a repeat of posting one chapter and then there's a month or more of nothing afterward. So please let me know what you think.

So that's basically an update on my life so far. I just want to thank everyone who has read this story and everyone who continues to read and wait for new chapters, especially the people who have been reading, voting, and commenting these past few months, I see your stuff and it makes me happy. I know theres probably not many of you because ive noticed the huge dropoff in reads on recent chapters but that's really not what it is about for me: writing a story makes me happy and seeing people become invested in this world makes me happy too. Thank you guys for making what started off as a bad book written by a (14?) year old who couldn't write a book with more than 3 chapters before starting something new into a 30+ chapter long story with over 140k reads. It honestly still baffles me. Thank you guys over and over. I will finish this book no matter how low the chapter views become, it might take some time but I hope I can overcome that. Once again im sorry about the sporadic updates, I just want you guys to know that im trying.

Now that I've rambled on for a bit ill just leave it at this. Please leave me feedback if you're still reading. I appreciate every one of you and once again, thank you.


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