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As I always say, sorry for the wait XD I know you guys always tell me not to say it... buuut I am officially graduated! I've had a very busy few weeks with school, graduation stuff, and then some health problems (yikes) but here we are and I finally got this chapter out. Good news though, I usually try to aim for around 3,000 words for each chapter, this chapter is 8485 so hopefully, that makes up for the wait a bit lol. Also, I hope it doesn't drag too slow, so please leave me feedback. That being said, I did get pretty dark and vicious in this chapter, so this is a warning in advance, it's sad, and obviously, triggering. Please be cautious. This chapter kind of got away from me lol. My poor baby Talon... Also, look out for an A/N I will post soon, discussing some important things. Enjoy.

-Birthday bash-


I was scared awake with a yelp by Hardhead harshly forcing up my chin, causing my head to thump back into the concrete wall. He noticed then that I was awake.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked, smirking. Hardhead grabbed the collar on my neck with one hand and used his other hand to attach a leash onto the hook. He leaned over and pulled out a set of keys, grabbing my chained leg. I frowned and looked over toward Lucas, he was still sleeping.

I heard the shackle hit the floor and felt the leash be tugged. I stood up with Hardhead and followed as he pulled me toward the door. God this is so demeaning... Before we left the room I took one more look at Lucas, he hadn't woken. I was scared, but I'm glad he doesn't have to come with me.

Hardhead pulled me up the flight of stairs slowly, like he was trying to make me sit with the anticipation and fear of what was to come, and it was working.

"Are you gonna say happy birthday to me?" He asked, but his tone was not a question, it was more like a demand. I wanted to stay quiet... like normal, it's kind of my comfort, but I knew if I didn't respond I'd be bad for me.

"Happy birthday, M-master..." I murmured. It burned my throat just speaking that word. My mouth felt dry. So many bad memories attached to it.

"That's what I thought."

I was shivering as we entered the landing, mainly because I was only wearing a pair of shorts, and secondly, because I'm back here in this hell, and I'm sure it'll be worse than the first time.

Hardhead's birthday... The only thing worse than this day is Vicious's birthday.

I wrung my sweaty hands together. I remember the last time I was here for his birthday. It was bad, but now it seems different. Usually, for their birthdays they would have everybody over and drink and party and of course beat and use me longer and harder than usual, but it seems nobody else is here. Like he said... Just me and him today. I didn't know what to expect. I don't want to be here...

Through the windows, I could see it was still dark outside. Dark like on fall mornings when you get up for school and the sun isn't rising yet. I heard the pitter-pattering of rain and watched as it splashed against the windows. It was only a slight drizzle so far, but I remember hearing the forecast for heavy rain today.

I followed on wobbly legs as Hardhead tugged me through the living room, keeping my eyes downcast to the floor. It felt like my heart was crashing a hole in my rib cage.

We walked through a hallway beside the kitchen and toward the back of the building. There were spaces where there was no drywalling and I could see into the part of the building that was still the abandoned warehouse-style, though unlike last time I was here the old conveyors and boxes or whatever were gone. They must've been thrown out or just pushed somewhere else in the building to make space and probably so they could use it for something else... I don't wanna know what that could be.

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