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The next day I woke up after a decent night of sleep, well for me that is, I only had one nightmare, it wasn't even bad enough to bring my family up into my room. I pulled my blanket off and turned off my fan, I had to have it on to sleep.

I stood up out of my bed and stretched, I could hear the cracking and popping of my bones. The sun was shining brightly through my curtains, I could feel the cool breeze flowing in through the screen of the cracked window. It felt really nice.

After sitting and enjoying the breeze for a while I got dressed and went downstairs to find my brother waiting in the kitchen for me.

"You excited?" he asked. he was sitting on top of the kitchen counter playing on his phone, I knew my mom would slap the shit out of him if she saw him doing that.

I chuckled and responded barely above a whisper, "yeah"

He told me to eat something before we left in an hour, going back to his phone afterwards, he was probably texting his girlfriend or something. I got a free day off of school for this... A Mitch free day.

While I was putting the milk into my Cinnamon toast crunch I saw my mom come down the stairs and over to the kitchen, surprising my brother who was looking down at his phone.

"What the hell are you doing on my counter?! Get your ass off!" She yelled, slapping him on the shoulder.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, sliding off the counter rubbing where she hit even though we all knew it didn't actually hurt. My mom and I laughed and I sat down to eat.

My mother then announced that she was leaving for work. she wished me luck at the doctors and then she left.

We chilled out at the house until it was time to leave.

We sat in the waiting room listening to the crying babies and watching the other kids running around the lobby, while their parents and other people were scattered around in the chairs.

We waited there until my name was called and then we followed the nurse into a room where we waited once again for someone else to come.

Finally, after someone came in and cut the damn cast off of my leg Darryn and I decided to go out to eat at some barbeque place. We had a good time, it was nice because I hadn't spent much time with my brother recently.

Soon enough we were back at our humble abode. I parted ways with Ryn and headed up into my room.

I plopped onto my queen bed and curled up in the comforter, closing my eyes for a much-needed nap, however, my attention was averted to the noise of my buzzing phone from my bedside table.

I picked it up and opened it to a brand new unknown number and brand new pictures of me. I gasped in surprise, and suddenly the feeling of wanting to throw up the food I had just eaten arose.

I thought this number had gotten bored with me and gone on to something else because I hadn't received any messages from an unknown number since the last time when I had blocked it.

'Hey baby' another text popped up.

I held my phone in my hands, staring at the text for a while before I came up with something to say.

'Who are you? What do you want from me??'

My hands were shaking now, to be honest, a part of me didn't want to know the answers to the questions my own fingers had typed.

My phone buzzed again so I averted my attention back to it.

'You'll know soon enough baby <3 goodbye for now'

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