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The picture up above is Kacee.




Talon and I were sitting on his couch watching Keeping up With the Kardashians. He didn't seem to be as into as I was judging by the fact he kept yawning.

I know what you're saying, 'Dude why are you watching such a girly show?' but it's not like I like watching it because I actually enjoy watching the show, its because I like watching them get annoyed and offended by small things... yeah, it's my guilty pleasure.

It was in the middle of Kim ranting about something stupid when I felt something heavy land on my lap. I looked down to see that it was Talons head and he had completely passed out.

It was pretty surprising that he would willingly lay on me. I don't know what to do. God forbid that one of his family members comes in and beats the shit out of me for having physical contact with him.

I looked down and observed his sleeping form, his face was peaceful and I noticed how cute he was. His brown hair sticking out everywhere, a little messier than he normally keeps it, his plump lips looked so kissable. He somehow managed to be cute and hot at the same time... how he does that unconsciously I don't know.

Suddenly my phone rings loudly, startling me from my daze. I pick it up and slide the answer button upwards. The voice of one of my fathers fills my ear.

"Where are you? It's seven thirty-six, we figured you would be home by now... you didn't text or call and we were getting worried!" He said and as he talked I looked at the clock and realized he was realized he was right, it's starting to get late and I hadn't even bothered to tell my parents where I was.

"I'm so sorry Carter I didn't even realize the time, I'll be home soon" I reply, ending the call without giving him any time to respond. I know its rude but you can't blame me.

I took notice of Talons phone conveniently lying next to him on the couch, I grabbed it and slid open the home screen. He should really put a lock on his phone.

I go onto the contacts screen to see only three peoples numbers in it; 'Mom', 'Joshy', and 'Ryn.' I wonder who Ryn is. I feel bad that he only has three contacts on his phone. I decided to ignore it and entered my number into his contacts and texted myself so I could get his number. Then I opened my own phone and typed out a message for him when he wakes up so he won't think I just disappeared and left for no reason.

After doing that I carefully moved talons head up and stood, then I lay his head back down on one of the couch pillows. I locked the lock from the inside and then I got in my car and drove home.

As soon as I opened the front door I was greeted by my little sister when she ran and jumped into my arms screaming my name.

My little sister is an interesting character if I were, to say the least. Her full name is Armelle but we call her Elle, and she is very talkative. If she gets started on something she likes its hard to get her to stop. Long story short... she's crazy.

I assumed that my parents are in the kitchen because it's almost the time we usually start dinner. I carry my loon of a sister through the living room and into the kitchen, and sure enough one of my dads is in there.

I set Elle back down on the floor and she ran off somewhere else, the noise that she makes causes Carter to turn around. When he sees me he smiles.

"Sebastian! Hello, how was your day?" He greets happily. Carter is the more flamboyant one of my two fathers. he's always happy and he loves to dance. he's like the mother of this house, but Armelle calls him the princess. Andrew is the more dominant one, he likes to build stuff out of wood and he calls himself a burly man even though he's probably more of a hipster than any of my friends... combined.

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