Silence (j+o)

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Olivia's POV:

Ethan: I'm sorry Olivia, I really am, but I think it's best for both of us to break up

This is the message that greets me at 7 a.m. Nagging of the text in the back of my head makes me spaced out while I get ready for set and the whole morning turns into a blur until I arrive on set. 

I kiss my mother goodbye and I make my way towards my trailer. As I'm walking I greet everyone I pass but don't look up or register whose the voice I'm hearing. Tears pool in my eyes and if I just blinked they would spill over so I pick up speed to get to my trailer as fast as I can. It would be so unprofessional for my personal life to get in the way of work. 

Just as I'm about to open the door to my trailer a voice gets to my brain and I snap my head in the direction of the source. There stand Julia and Frankie. 

"Olivia, are you deaf or something? I just lost my voice screaming your name!" Frankie says jokingly while massaging his throat. I chuckle at his exaggeration and say, "sorry, I was just in my head." As soon as I reply to Frankie I remember why I was so down and distracted, my smile flatters and I try to excuse myself, "I'm gonna go quickly to my tryiler, I'll see you guys on set, yea."

Julia notices my failed attempt at running away, "Woah hold on missy, why are you in such a rush? Did anything happen?" I hate how much they all know me. I find no point in putting away telling them what happened so I come clean, " Ethan broke up with me", tears fall down my checks, "I just found out this morning, he broke up with me over a text." Julia pulls me in for a hug and I start sobbing. "I just, I just don't understand why" I sttuter ove my words. 

Frankie and Julia say comforting words trying their best to make me feel a little better and I really appreciate it. But it sounds like deaf noise to my ears. Words that everyone hears after a breakup. 

As my first breakdown comes to an end I pull myself together and remind myself that I'm on set and I need to focus. Work first, crying later. "Guys I promise that I'm okay. I know that I'll cry and be miserable for a while but it is what it is right!? Know I just have to focus on filming. I'll roll around in misery later." I force a laugh at the end.Frankie and Julia smile back and let me get to my trailer.

 When I enter I let out a shakey breath. I bet by the time that I enter the hair and makeup trailer everyone will know about the breakup and pitty me. I grip the edge of the table and take deep breaths to calm down. Okay, Olivia you got this I chime to myself.

Just as I guessed, everyone looked at me like I was a broken puppy when I entered the hair and makeup trailer. "I'm guessing you couldn't keep your mouth shut and told everyone, am I right or am I right?" I say pointedly to Frankie and Ashlyn. They look at me sheepishly and shrug their shoulders. The cast just keeps reminding me of what has happened when they pass by and give me hugs, reassuring words and pitty glances. It makes it harder for me to forget and focus. 

Through out the whole day everyone stuck around me like glue. Whether I was on a break eating food, singing in between takes, playing the piano or even going to the bathroom, someone was close by 'to keep me company' as they said. It seems as Josh was the only one acting normal, he was just himself as any other day; doing dumb stuff around the set, singing and playing music anytime he could and not suffocating me with his presence or jokes. That's what I admired so much about him. It's like he read my mind and knew all that I needed without me voicing my needs. Not once did I catch him giving me pity glances or encouraging words, he was just him. And frankly that's why he will forever be the greatest gift God sent to me. 

After the entire day of my castmates giving me sympathic looks I was more than relieved to wrap up my scenes and get away from them. Once I was laying down comfortably  on the couch in the safe walls of my trailer, my thoughts finally became loud and not just a background sound in my head. I started thinking and playing out all the different scenarios which made me cry again. My second breakdown of the day. The only emotion that I felt through out the day was annoyance at my friends, but now that I am alone, all that I've been running away from and distracting myself from came crashing down all at once. Warm tears cascaded down from the corners of my eyes towards my ears. My chest caved in and it seems like I finally comprehended what I lost. 

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