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Ricky's POV:

I pace in my room back and forth. My breaths are becoming shallow and I'm starting to get dizzy. I can hear the blood passing through my ears and a tingling sensation consuming my senses. My heartbeat is beating rapidly.

Take deep breaths I remind myself.

I lace my fingers to stop them from trembling and put them around my neck, still pacing all around my room. I was becoming hot and sweaty so I decided to go to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. As soon as I made my way towards the bathroom my vision became blurry and I stumbled on a chair.

I didn't fall but my heartbeat quickened and I felt even more unsteady on my feet. I slowly sink to the floor and lean on my bed. The tightness in my chest was so pronounced it actually felt like choking.

Somewhere in the midst of my panic attack, Nini comes across my mind.

I need to find my phone, I need to call her now!

I scan my room until I spot it on my desk. Shakily, I reach for it. I knock it down on the floor and it creates a bang sound. I pick it up and somehow manage to dial her number.

Please, Nini, pick up, please I chant in my head.

After the sixth ring, she picks up, "Hello."

I don't reply immediately which makes her repeat, "Hello", I still can't find the voice in me to say something back, "Ricky are you there?"

"Yea", I choke out. "Nini, it's not good. They are fighting again. It's bad, really really bad", I get all of it out in a rush. I know that Nini can't make my problems disappear. She can't make my parents stop fighting. She can't do much, but just hearing her voice makes the pain in my chest lessen and I can breathe a little easier.

A few seconds pass before she says something, "Is there any chance that you can leave the house and come to mine?"

"I would love to but they are downstairs in the living room. I can't escape without passing by them. I don't want to hear what they are saying. I just can't", my voice breaks at the end.

I know her too well to sense that she wants to question what's happening but she doesn't so she settles for, "How are you feeling Ricky?"

I know I never have to feel embarrassed by this with her so I confess, "Not well, Nini. I just need you right now. I can't stand hearing them scream anymore. I feel numb. Nini, I just want it to stop. I just want it to stop."

To my utter surprise, the noise quiets down but now I hear footsteps which are becoming louder and louder as someone nears my bedroom door. The door flies open and I gasp as it startles me.

I can hear a faint, "Ricky Ricky", coming from the other side of the line but I ignore it and hang up.


After running the short distance from my house to Nini's I am struggling to catch my breath. I knock frantically on Nini's door and wait for her to open.

As soon as she opens the door I run into her arms and hug her tightly. She was shocked at first but immediately recovers and puts her arms around me as well. My chest rises and falls rapidly but as soon as Nini runs her fingers through my hair I calm down. I rest my cheek on her head that's tucked in my arms. My arms go up and down her back and neck, squeezing her body closer to mine, fearing that she'll slip away. I breathe in her scent and close my eyes willing myself to calm down and compose myself. She places her head over my heart, which is undoubtedly beating crazy. One of her hands travels up and down my back while the other skims through my curls.

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