Take a hint (j+o)

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Olivia's POV:

"What time is it?" Josh yells as we walk to our destination.

"In-N-Out time" the rest of us simultaneously yell out.

It's Sunday, which means no work today. As if we don't see each other every day, we decided to grab some In-N-Out and hang out at Matt's apartment later on. We cheer excitedly as we walk, no doubt all of us craving that unhealthy delicious goodness.

Josh and Matt hold the door open as the rest of us pile inside. It's already busy as it is so you can imagine the look the cashier gives us when he spots a group of 10 more people entering. To save time each of us gives our order to Julia and Matt and they go up to the cashier and order. Since it's a lengthy order, we sit down and wait. I sit in between Sofia and Dara and straight across from Joshua.

Sofia taps me on the shoulder, "Hey Liv, down left, you see that group of guys in the corner, they keep looking in your direction. Whispering and sneaking glances." I look towards the direction she pointed out. "See! They did it again", she whisper-yelled excitedly, "they are totally checking you out."

I'm sure Josh overheard our conversation because his head snaps in the direction of the group of attractive males sitting in the corner booth. He straightens in his seat and starts looking left and right looking like a hawk. I nudge his leg under the table and when he looks at me I offer him a small smile. He returns my gesture with a smile of his own we lock eye contact. I can tell he relaxes as his shoulders aren't as tense as they were a few seconds ago.

Time flies by while we talk and soon we have our goods ready to go. We make sure to tip a little extra to the cashier guy and head towards Matt's apartment. I dig into my bag of food as soon as we leave and look around for my vanilla shake.

"Hey guys", they look over at me, "does anyone maybe have my vanilla shake?" They quickly glance at their bags and respond with no's. I groan silently to myself. I really wanted a vanilla shake.

"Do you guys mind waiting up, I'll just go buy another one. It won't take long."

"You can just have mine, it's no problem" Josh offers. My heart melts at his generosity but I can't accept his. Then he won't have a vanilla shake.

I shake my nod no with a smile plastered on, "I'll be back in a minute guys, promise."

They settle on the benches in the front while I go inside and order. I get lost in my thoughts while waiting so a tap on my shoulder startles me out of my daydream. Looking up I take in a very attractive guy stand in front of me. He towers over me like a skyscraper and smiles, showing off his teeth.

He starts speaking first, "Hey, I'm Noah. What's your name?"

Why is he asking me that? Nevertheless, I answer, "It's Olivia" shortly and bluntly, hoping that he'll go away. But I get the opposite vibe of going away, in fact, he seems more confident and satisfied that I gave him an answer to his question. He steps a little closer to me and I shrink back as far as I can but I hit a table. Caged, now all I have left is to pray that they call out my name for my vanilla shake so I can excuse myself and get the hell away.

He keeps smiling creepily long and makes a second move, "are you new in town, I could show you around and we could get to know each other, you know."

No, I don't know, and neither do I intend to find out. So I try to decline as politely as possible, "umm no thank you, I'm really busy." It must have taken a lot of courage to come up to me and ask me out, especially in front of his friends so I don't want to embarrass him.

He doesn't seem to take the hint and steps a little closer again. "You can't be busy all the time, come on. It will be fun especially having me as your tour guide." He keeps smiling and nodding his head as if encouraging me to accept.

Now I feel even more awkward and disturbed that he is so persistent. Come on dude take a hint; I am not interested!

I repeat myself, "No thank you, I'm really busy."

He opens his mouth to shoot his shot for the fourth time but a voice cuts him off, Josh's voice, "Hey man, take a hint. She said no. No means no got it! Now let's not make a scene," Josh nods his head in a 'go away' motion, "and go away and leave her alone."

The entire time he passive-aggressively tells the guy to back off, he stands stiffly and talks cooly and collectively.

Finally, the guy steps away and I can detach myself from the table I was leaning on. I let out a long breath of air I didn't know I was holding in. Josh steps in front of me but I don't feel claustrophobic, in fact, I feel safe.

I look up at him and open my mouth ready to thank him but my sentence gets cut off by the cashier calling out, "Number 39", that's me. 'Wow, nice timing' I think snarkily in my head. Josh steps in front of me and pays and picks up my vanilla shake. I just observe him, still speechless. He grabs my hand in his and we head on out. We approach our friends, with still interlocked hands. Josh gets their attention when he says, "let's go."

Everyone immediately looks up and scans us. No doubt they notice Josh's tense posture, our joined hands, and my shaken up facial expression.

Dara voices what everyone is thinking, "what happened?"

Awkwardly I look down at my shoes, not knowing how to explain the situation I found myself in so Josh starts to explain, "some guy was getting up in her face, asking her to hang out. She replied no but he wouldn't back off so I stepped in. He left. Nothing happened after that."

Sofia is the next to speak, "Omg, was the guy one of the ones sitting in the corner booth?" I nod. "Omg Liv, I'm so sorry. They are such jerks!", she stands up and embraces me in a hug. Unwillingly I detach my hand from Josh's and put my arms around her. "It's ok Sof, you couldn't have known. Who would have known there are still jerks like him who can't take a hint that a girl is not interested."

Frankie then says, "that's why our Joshy over here is boyfriend material, am I right Olivia!? He noticed that you were taking a lot more time than needed and decided to check up on you."

Josh is already looking at me when I shyly look up at him, "thank you so much, you literally saved me back in there."

The group has already gotten up and they all started walking towards Matt's apartment. Josh and I lingered in the back and started walking after everyone else. Silently I made a bold move, I reached for his hand and laced our fingers again. "Once again, thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done if you haven't interfered." I squeeze his hand as a nonverbal communication of my gratitude. He squeezes back and smiles softly down at me, "next time someone talks to you like that don't be afraid to flip him off. Never let someone do something like that to you! You hear me. Next time just slap them!"

I crack a smile and press myself closer to him and lean my head on him. I can never feel caged, scared, disturbed, or awkward around Josh. That's why I love him so much.


Hiiiii I hope you like this oneshot! Let me know what you think!!! I promise the next oneshot will be Rini! Thank you all so much for reading ilyyy byeee

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