Moving on (j+o)

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This takes place on set as the cast is filming season 2

[ Monday morning ]

Joshuas POV:

I blast " Under pressure" by Queen as I enter the hair and makeup trailer this morning. I greet my fellow castmates and crew and say " Who's up for some rock n' roll?" excitedly. Everyone cheers and joins in to sing the rest of the song.

Since it's only 7:30 and we have to start filming at 8:00, we start singing and dancing to bring up the energy. Making up silly dances and screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. We do this daily.

These are what makes each day so magical. Being surrounded by my friends and making the most of the 6 months ahead of us while filming season 2.

As the song finishes, we applaud and settle down on chairs to talk. As I look around I notice someone is missing. Olivia is not here, which is odd. She's never late. She could be the poster girl for punctuality so you can't blame me for wondering where she is.

Just as I'm about to voice my thought she stumbles into the trailer and excuses herself for being late.

I observe her from my chair in the corner and notice a few things:

a) She's has a steaming cup of some liquid in her hands, I'm guessing hot chocolate. That leads me to believe she made a stop on her way to set.

b) A ghost of a happy and content smile is gracing her features. I don't find it odd that she's smiling, I find it odd that she is smiling this early in the morning considering the fact that she is not a morning person.

c) She entered wearing a green colored beanie, a new one I've never seen before.

d) She has a dreamy look in her eyes

e) As our hairstylist fixes up her hair in a high ponytail, she is typing away on her phone. Texting someone.

Olivia never does these kinds of things on set. She is never late. She's always groggy in the morning.

But this morning it's like a completely new girl came in with a bounce in her step and light shining down on her. It was a personality switch compared to all the other mornings on set since we started filming season 2.

This new beaming Olivia chirpily chatted with Sophia and Frankie when they surrounded her and talked in hushed voices. The secrecy was killing me and I wanted nothing more than to be the guy she confided her life to but, I guess I lost that privilege when I broke up with her.

My train of thoughts got interrupted when Matt snapped his fingers in front of my face, " dude, are you present, hello" he dragged out and got me out of my trance. I pushed his hand away " yea, yea, just thinking of some stuff you know" I try to cover up for myself but his smirk tells me that I totally got caught red-handed staring at Olivia.

Before I make any more excuses for myself Tim Federle enters the crowded trailer and hurries out to start filming.

{ Friday morning }

Every morning since Monday, Olivia has been in a particularly good mood. Coming to set upbeat and cheery. I've been secretly trying to find out any new information about her sudden change of personality for the past five days and I don't know anything more than five days prior. I perk up any time she speaks with other castmates. Trying to overhear any small detail but at this point, I'm desperate.

I'm devastated that I don't know who is making her happy and I'm devastated that it's not me. Clearly breaking up with her set her free and made me miserable. I thought it was the right thing to do, I really thought that we would stay close, that we'd stay best friends but I thought wrong.

She excluded me from her life. I don't get much more from her than greetings. She keeps her focus while we film our scenes and never jokes around with me anymore as she does with the rest of the cast.

I've been desperately trying to start a conversation with her for the past few days but every time someone interrupts or she gives blunt short responses leaving me dumbfounded and not knowing how to carry on the conversation further.

Every time she isn't typing away on her phone she's talking with the girls in a faraway corner. They whisper so it's impossible for me to eavesdrop but I do hear occasional giggles and squeals.

The only theory I have is that she met someone new and she's moving on. And that does not sit well with me. I know that I broke us up. I know. But just thinking about Olivia in someone else's arms makes my chest contract painfully. Oh, what have I done?

[ Friday evening ]

After wrapping up on set the whole cast decides to go to a local arcade to hang out. We gather up in front of East High to walk to the place. I scan the group and unconsciously look for Olivia but I can't spot her.

"Hey guys, where's Liv?" I question.

In a rather sassy tone, Julia responds " not here obvi".

What comes out of Frankie's mouth next makes me sick to the stomach "she went on a date". I reel backward and almost lose my footing.

The girls simultaneously yell out " Frankie" as if that was supposed to be a secret and he just shrugs "What? We should proud of Livy. Oh oh we should go spy on them!" he exclaims. The rest of the cast laughs and joins in on the conversation about Olivia's date. They become white noise in my ears as I bury myself in my swirling thoughts. The painful stabbing in my chest reappearing.

"She is moving on" rings on repeat in my head


Hi, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! I would love to hear your feedback on it! Also, I'm thinking of doing this same kind of story but in reverse roles; Joshua moving on and Olivia's POV but that would come later on. I love you! Thank you for reading! Stay happy and safe! sending out loveee

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