9. One bite, One Answer.

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***Scene continues***

"You should not have done that sweetheart." He says menacingly while digging holes in me through his
soul-piercing deadly stare.

My small body trembles compared to his strong, muscular one. He lowers himself down on the bed. He grabs my pants and starts pulling them down aggressively. My body squirming in his grip. I knew already that he was gonna do this but experiencing it right now makes it the most horrific and I want to die.

I start moving frantically as I feel my pants lowering down. My heart is racing at the speed of light. The never-stopping tears keep rolling down my cheeks.

"No no no don't do this. No no please."
I continue wriggling desperately.

"Wake up Mel. No one is doing anything. No one can do anything. Wake up, my love. It's just a dream."

I hear some faint noises in the background. Someone's holding me and shaking me vigorously. I woke up in a bolt and now I am sitting on something cozy and soft to touch, the bed. I keep my head low and run my hands into my hair thinking about the nightmare I just had.
My body is drenched in sweat. My breathing is heavy and my heart beats irregularly.
I came out of the dream shock as I felt a hand on my lap making me flinch.

"It's alright Mel. It was a dream. Don't worry I am here. No one can hurt you." He says stroking my back slowly with his other hand.

I look up to find his blue eyes looking at me with something I don't want to accept. Love. His eyes held so much love and care. Every time I looked into those eyes it never showed this, it was always amusement, anger, and all other horrified emotions. But this time it contains only Love.

"Aren't I handsome, kitten? So if you are done checking me out then go and freshen up yourself as it's already dinner time." He smirks and I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks.

I avert my gaze from him in an instant. He chuckles in response.
I see him from the corner of my eye as he moves towards the wardrobe.

"I don't want to have dinner. I don't have any appetite left after what you did to me and Ella." I speak but it comes out more like a whisper.

I looked at my thighs, both were covered by the bandage. Hurting me first and then bandaging doesn't make his crime any less. If he thinks that showing care after what he did to me will make me fall for him then hell no. He is wrong. I will never love a jerk like him. He is a Devil behind that handsome face. He is a cruel monster who gets amused by hurting others.

"I am not asking for your opinion. I don't want to hear any excuses. Just freshen up yourself and wear this." He says while coming towards me with some clothes in his hand.

"Or do you want me to change your clothes? And that's fine with me My Love. Come I will help you change if that's what you want." He says amusingly, leaning and coming dangerously close to me.

I grab the clothes from his hand and turn around to get off the bed. My legs touch the cold floor beneath them and as I stand my legs feel as if they are burning.

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream at the agonizing pain with tears forming in my eyes.

He scurries towards me and holds me up by my waist. His one hand at my waist and one hand holding my hand.

"Let me walk you to the bathroom."
He rubs his thumb gently on the back of my hand.

I jerk off my hand in anger. Why help me when he is the one who made me so helpless? I don't want him to touch me anywhere or to do anything for me.

"You are the reason for this pain and now you dare to help me! It's not fine at all. DO NOT TOUCH ME. I don't want your filthy hands on my body." I growl at his face.

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