10. Possessive

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Blake's POV:

I look at her as she closes her beautiful eyes.
I stand there for few minutes staring at the exquisite girl in front of me.
I bend down a little and kiss her on the forehead before covering her small frame with the duvet.

I don't think, she has the strength to go to university tomorrow. She isn't able to walk properly let alone run here and there for the classes. She needs rest. I won't let her go and neither will I.

I will stay with her. I will take care of her. Yes, I am the person to hurt her. But she needs to behave. She needs to accept my love for her. The day she starts loving me back will be the starting day of her heavenly life. I will never hurt her or punish her from that day. But till she starts behaving I have to be austere to her. I love her very much. But she takes my love for granted and keeps breaking my heart with her cruel words. I don't want to hurt her but if I don't then she will leave me one day. I will make her love me at any cost.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and call Martha and tell her to come and clean the mess on the floor. I tell her to not make a single noise while cleaning.

Within minutes Martha comes in.
She is the most trusted maid among the whole staff. She manages the other staff as she is the head of them. She is not too old. All the staff in the house are not allowed to look at me except Martha. After all, they are not paid for that. They are paid to do the duties assigned to them. Martha must be in her late thirties. She has been taking care of me since I was 10 years old. Martha was assigned to take care of me as I didn't have a mother. My Mom died when I was 3 years old. I saw her in the photo album but I don't have a memory of her.

Martha cleans the mess and gives me a look of done sir. Yes, Martha calls me sir. Not did I ask her to but because dad is against my friendly nature with anyone who works under him.

She exits the room once I nod at her and I walk towards the door and close it carefully to not make a noise.
I walk back in the direction of the bed.
I off the lamps and lay on the bed. I hug my baby from the back. She tries to move but I keep her in place and soon she sleeps peacefully.

My Love in my arms. The best night of my life. My Love, My World in my arms all safe and secure. I kiss her on the arm lightly and close my eyes.

Melissa's POV:

"Blake! Wake up. I have to go to university. I can't miss my class again. Wake up." I shout at him.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks drowsily.

"We are going to be late because of you. Wake the hell up." I bark while pulling the covers off him.

"We are not going anywhere. Come sleep." He says with his hand gesturing me to go to him.

"Oh yes, we are going," I argue with my hands on my hips.

"You don't get to order me, okay." He says as he gets up and is now sitting on the bed.

I continue looking at him as he runs his hand in his hair making it all the more messy which makes him look hotter.

"But you said to me yesterday that we will be going to the university today. So why not?" I ask in desperation.

"You are looking Gorgeous, My Love."
He comments while getting out of the bed.

"Don't change the topic. Tell me why aren't we going?" I grumble.

"I want to rip this black outfit off your body. Can I Mel?" He mocks, striding towards me.

His words make my stomach flip. He stands in front of me. I don't step back. It's as if my legs have given away. And I don't think so I can even if I want to because I am not able to walk properly. All the credits go to him for making me so helpless.

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