16. The Surprise Parcel.

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Blake's POV:

Rage builds inside of me looking at the text before me.
I feel sorry for my Love as I yell at her. I just don't want her to see me like this. I want her to stay away from all these things about my mother and my family.

As soon as she leaves the room to go to dining, I go to the study room and order Andrew to meet me there.

He comes in no time and I show the text to him.

From unknown:
"Hello Blake, well I hope you got the answer as to who your mother's killer is.
Tomorrow there's a small surprise for you and Dear Melissa. Watch out for it.
Meet you soon Mr. Williams."

His eyes grow wide with every other word he reads.

"Who the hell in the world has the guts to send you such a text?" He asks, annoyance audible in his voice.

"If I would have known then why would I have called you Mr. Andrew. He would have been dead by now, wouldn't he?" I mock him with an annoyed face.

"Should I locate him? I bet he is using a burner's phone. It's not gonna be easy." He says concernedly.

"Yeah, I want every single piece of information about him by tomorrow morning," I demand.

"Okay. But what do you think? I mean about his tomorrow's surprise. Should I tighten the security? His message concerns Melissa as well."

"Yeah for sure do it. Double the bodyguards for now. Once I get my hands on him, he will regret sending me those texts." I bang my fist on the table beside me.

"Blake, I mean Sir.."

"Cut the act, Andrew." I cut him off.

"Fine. Well you know in that message it says you found your mother's killer. So who in the world killed your mom? He asks with curiosity visible on his face.

"I gotta find it out. He only said that My dad is one of the reasons for my mom's death and I should ask my dad for the answer." I replied to him with my hands in my pockets.

"What a freak! He's just misguiding you, bro. Your dad was so much in love with your mom. He would never.."

"Yeah I know, but I have to ask him if he knows anything. He might know someone who can mess with me and our family. I may get to him through dad."

"So, did you ask your dad?"

"He won't attend my calls, you know right he doesn't attend calls during a business trip. I can only wait for him as of now." I reply, feeling tired from all I have been through the day.

"Sure I know. Well, have some sleep. I will go and fetch some information about this freaking maniac." He says while patting my shoulders and then he leaves the study room.

I go downstairs into my room and see Melissa hugging a pillow on the bed.
I walk up to her but she is so immersed in thoughts that she is unaware of my presence.

"What's up?" She jumps up, her eyes the size of the saucer, and her mouth turned into a big O.

"Woah, Woah! Take it easy. It's me, Mel. What were you thinking so deeply?"

She opens her mouth to say something but I speak first,

"A plan to escape. Well, that's not happening anytime soon My Love."
I say slightly amused as her expression changes from shock to dejected one.

"I am not in the mood right now Blake, please. Leave me alone for some time."
She says getting annoyed at my remark of no escape.

Her words hurt me and my heart sinks at her mentioning of leaving but this time she looks sad, so I try cheering her up.

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