6. The Torture

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Melissa's POV:

"No, you can't do this to her. Please I beg you, please don't kill her." I beg him immensely.

"You brought this upon yourself, My Love." He snaps back, making me flinch.

'Why is he doing this? Why me? Please God, please Save Ella. She has done nothing wrong to get killed. Please I don't want her to get killed because of me. Please God please.'

"My love." He pauses after calling out to me and I guess he has bent down to my level now as I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"What a great show it would be If I killed her right in front of you instead of filming her getting killed." He said with loads of amusement.

He laughs hysterically bringing more tears to my eyes. My mind is not able to interpret the words he said right now.

'What! Kill her in front of me. Oh God please, I want to die. Please not her. Please, nothing should happen to her. I beg you.'
Suddenly some metal slammed into the wall making me flinch.

He laughs at my response and his words freeze me to death.

"Bring her over here and tie her down to the chair."

"Love, do you wanna see her for the last time? Wanna say goodbye?"

His sinister laugh echoed in the room making me want to shut my ears and all senses.

I can feel the knot of the blindfold getting loose.

'Oh God is he gonna make me watch. I don't want to see anything. Neither him nor the one whom he brought into the room right now.'

I kept my eyes shut although I could sense some light on my closed eyes.

"Open your beautiful eyes, Mel"

My eyes flutter open as soon as I hear this familiar voice. My mind is in complete shock at the faces now in front of me. I am not able to understand the noises which I am hearing. I could not take in the reality which I am facing.

"E-Ella." The first name which comes out of my mouth is hers. She is tied down to a chair unconscious.

And now I try looking at that familiar voice hoping it would not be the same as what I am thinking. But, no it's him. It had to be him. But why didn't I recognize his voice earlier?

"B-blake!" I squeal.

"Like what you see Mel!" He mocks me and bends to my level. His breath fanned my face. My eyes are bloodshot with all of the crying. I keep looking at my thighs. I gasp at my thighs as it is all bloody with deep scars. I don't dare to look at him after all the things he did to me.

I am already afraid of him. He even changed his voice. I don't know how but it's completely different from the one I heard when I was blindfolded. Don't know what more he is capable of. I don't want to look at him for even a second. I am furious but I am scared as hell too. I never asked for this to happen. There are so many people in this world then why did it happen to me?

"W-why me?" I simply asked him pathetically.

"Because you are mine, Mel. I didn't want to bring you here like this. I had planned everything already. But it's all because of you. You are here to blame." He speaks through his gritted teeth.

"No, it's not because of me. It's all because you are not right in your mind. You are a psycho. I never came to you asking for kidnapping me. You kidnapped me. You tortured me. You harassed me. You molested me. And you also brought my friend here when she has nothing to do with this. And on top of that, you have the audacity to blame me. YOU ARE A FREAKING PSYCHO!" I speak abruptly with my body temperature rising with all the anger boiled inside of me.

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