Chapter One Hundred

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Ginny's shouts echoed throughout the halls, reawakening Mrs Black's portrait once again, their insults seeming to meld into a cacophony of anger.
Hermione and Ron reappeared moments later, paper in hand, "what happened?"
"Ginny went off on Mundungus!" George cheered, pride glinting in his eyes.
"I'm surprised he hasn't burst out of there crying yet" Fred added, mirroring his brother's excitement.
Remus, somehow hearing our voices over the incessant yelling, exited the kitchen, collecting the paper from Hermione with a kind smile.
"Thank you, you two" he said, before dropping his politeness as he turned to face Mrs Black's portrait, drawing his wand with an intense glare of dislike, "Quiet, you old hag"
Watching as he returned to the kitchen, Lee's eyes widened, "Lupin has fangs"
"Don't go crushing on him" I teased, nudging George gently, "I have it on great authority he's already taken - not to mention who you could be making jealous"
"Lee? Making someone jealous?" Ron laughed, "I've gotta know who that is now"
Thankfully Hermione could cut in before George's panicked response, elbowing Ron quite hard in the side, "Dont be so rude Ronald! Im sure anyone would be lucky to date your brother"
A look of disgust crossed his face, "Don't tell me it's you"
"No! But you don't have to look so disgusted by it!"
"I didn't mean anything-"
"Honestly Ron, anyone would think-"
Their voices retreated with them, moving their argument into another room.

"At least they'll be distracted" I shrugged, pointing twice upwards before apparating back to our room, the others following suit

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"At least they'll be distracted" I shrugged, pointing twice upwards before apparating back to our room, the others following suit.
"No need to be jealous" Lee laughed, pulling a pouting George in for a kiss, "Lupin's not my type"
"I'd bloody well hope not" he retorted snippily, though a pleased smile slipped on to his face when Lee wasn't looking.
"Aww, the jealousy stage. Isnt it cute" Fred hummed, dropping his chin to rest on the top of my head.
"Stage? Honey, you've never left that stage" Giggling, I turned to face him, taking his cheeks in my hands, "but it's cute when you try to be all territorial so it's ok"
Fred huffed, a teasing frown on his face as he tried to deny it.
"Oh come on, Freddie. Two days before the last tournament? When Sam tried to help me with my Herbology homework in the common room?"
He rolled his eyes, a small smile of victory pulling at his lips as he presented his excuse, "I didn't agree with the way he was mansplaining your own favourite subject"
"And Henry?"
"Doesn't know the meaning of personal space"
He scoffed like it was obvious, "Was going to make you do girly shit with those girls you hate! I was saving you the excuse!"
Laughing fondly, I pressed a kiss to his nose before pulling him into a hug, "My own little protector"
"Little? I'm twice the size of you" he chuckled, poking the top of my head as if to prove his point.
"Shut up and hug me"
"Shutting up, shutting up!"

The house seemed to be bustling long into the night, owls coming and going from the park outside grimmauld place.
Ginny, who had recently just returned from her screaming session in the kitchen, nursed a cup of tea as she spoke with a hoarse voice, "Hear anything?"
"Mostly just seems to be ministerial crap" Lee answered, offering her the extendable ear, "A lot of whispers about Dumbledore but nothing more than that"
"Do we know what happened yet?" Hermione asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Had a little nap, did we?" George teased.
"I didn't mean to" she huffed, "Ron's out cold"
"Napping together now, huh" Fred grinned, wiggling his eyebrows madly.
A flush covered her face, a frown following quickly after, "not like that!"
Taking pity on my sister, I laughed, throwing my arm around her, "Don't worry Herman, we know you didn't actually have a cuddle session, especially after your little tiff earlier"
"Bugger off!"
Ginny suddenly shushed, aggressively waving her hands around, "they've just got a letter back from Dumbledore!" she whisper-hissed.
"Tell us then!"
"Due to Harry's use of the Patronus charm in front of his cousin, he's been expelled from Hogwarts!"
Ginny shushed us again, more aggressively this time, as we all burst out in cries of outrage.
"Dumbledore managed to stop the ministry from taking his wand and breaking it, but he'll have to go to a hearing where the minister will determine if he's expelled or not"
My mind flashed to the horrible articles that had been released about him and Dumbledore over the summer, anger booking in my veins, "They'll want him out! Fudge has been spreading lies all summer!"
Lee crossed his arms, livid, "He'll be used as an example"
"There's no way they can do this. If I just look in enough Wizard Law books-" Hermione mumbled, walking away without finishing her thought.

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