Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five

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"Look at little Ronnikins with the first years" George cooed mockingly, snickering as he watched his brother shepherd the new students out of the great hall.
"You can't call them midgets Ron!" Hermione's voice carried across to our group, the random comment making us burst into laughter.
"Well they are, they're titchy-"
"Still ... First years with me!"
"Hey, he's doing his best" Lee chided, swallowing his laughter, "Got picked which is more than we can say"
Fred laughed at this, "Who in their right minds would pick us?"
"He has a point"
I spotted Harry sulking by himself, making his way out of the doors.
"HP hold up! You can walk with us"
"Oh- thanks"
George grinned, bumping his shoulder lightly, "No worries, s'ppose you don't know the short cut to the common room?"
"I don't"
"Well come on then"

All four of the boys looked at me expectantly, making me laugh at their airheadedness.
"Already? Mimbulus Mimbletonia"
"Happy first day back" I smiled as we went past, "You'll miss us next year"
The Fat Lady chuckled, "I really doubt that dear"
Harry quickly excused himself to the dorms, Fred pulling out a piece of parchment from his robe pocket.
"Now that summers over we don't need to be testing our own stuff anymore" Fred explained, tacking the notice up on the board, "If we use volunteers we should have the products sorted out in no time"

Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings? Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley, Gryffindor Common Room, for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs'

"You're definitely selling it well" Lee laughed, pointing at the top of the notice, "Let me guess, George came up with those rhetorical questions?"
"Bugger off"
"That's not a no"
I just smiled at them, shaking my head as I picked up a quill from the table to the right.
"As good as this advert is, I think we should probably add this just to be safe" I said, quickly adding a disclaimer to the bottom, "That way they can't tell on you if it goes slightly wrong"

'(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicants own risk)'

Fred placed his hands on my hips, reading over my shoulder as I wrote, "bloody brilliant"
I laughed, turning around to give him a quick kiss before nodding towards the stairs.
"I'd better get my shit sorted in my dorm, then I'll come find you"
George made a face, "It's gonna be weird not being so close all the time"
"You don't get to whine" Fred frowned, burying his head in my hair, "You get to stay with Lee. It's my girlfriend that's going to be on the other side of the tower"
I patted Fred's hands consolingly, an amused smile on my face, "We'll be alright, you sap. Now let me go"
His hands tightened around my middle, Lee choking back a laugh at my pleading look.
"I'm not trying to separate you two" he said, holding his hands up as Fred shot him a glare.
"Fred let me go right now or I swear to Merlin I won't help you with your work this year"
"You wouldn't-"
"Oh I would"
I was released almost instantly, "That's what I thought. I'll see you three in a mo"

After roughly an hour, I had managed to get all of my stuff back where I like it, waving bye to Katie as I left.
"Hey, you!" I called, catching the attention of the third year prefect, "Do you have the dorm room charts?"
He passed them over with a nod, looking at me weirdly.
"You're not supposed to go into boys -"
"Yep. Thanks for the heads up kid" I smiled, passing the chart back before making my way up the stairs in to the boys tower.
As I stopped on the boys' floor, I could hear Lee shrieking.
"What you gonna do Lee? Huh? Cry about it?"
"Fred do something!"
"Twins win over friends, sorry Lee"
Another shriek echoed through the hall, the open door doing nothing to help muffle the noise.
"Boys, boys. What's going on?"
The room was in chaos. Trunks were half opened, clothes draped over the chairs and posters already peeling off the walls. Fred was laying on his bed, watching George scaling up Lee like a tree, his twins' limbs splaying all over the place as he tried to keep his balance.
Lee, who looked about one breath away from falling over, instantly turned to me for help. No one spoke for what felt like minutes.
"We didn't get an extra roommate this year!" Fred cheered,  completely ignoring the continuing wrestling, "How great is that!"
"Yeah... that's great - uh" I raised my eyebrows, looking at Lee who was now shaking his body as if that would help detach George, "I can come back later if you guys need your time"

 that's great - uh" I raised my eyebrows, looking at Lee who was now shaking his body as if that would help detach George, "I can come back later if you guys need your time"

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"No need for that" Fred laughed, patting the bed beside him, "Take a seat. We can watch it like that WWB thing you muggles like"
"WWE" I giggled, happily accepting my spot on the bed, "Close enough"
"I think I deserve a kiss for that"
"I think you do"
I smiled as he placed a hand on the back of my neck, giggling as he began leaning in to kiss me.
"What?" he breathed.
"Nothing, nothing ..."
Another enraged yell from Lee had me laughing harder, falling in to Fred's chest.
"We gotta help him"
"No! No Fred you said twin trumps friend!" George shouted, gripping on to Lee harder.
"Yeah well girlfriend trumps twin, especially when I'm trying to kiss her"
"How dare you! This is an outrage!"

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