Chapter Sixty Two

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"I'm just saying, they got really close to beating the Irish last year, they totally could in the next Cup" Ebony said, raising her eyebrows challengingly

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"I'm just saying, they got really close to beating the Irish last year, they totally could in the next Cup" Ebony said, raising her eyebrows challengingly.
I sat down at the bench heavily, stealing a piece of toast from Miles plate, "Why are we talking about Quidditch?"
"Beth was explaining the Wronskei Feint that Harry did during the tournament, and this man" she replied, gesturing to Miles, "suddenly had a lot to say about the World Cup"
"I stand by what I said! It was just a lot of hot people on brooms"
"Thats-" Ebony broke off with a frustrated sigh, hiding her face in Beth's shoulder.
As soon as she couldn't see him, Miles broke into silent snickers.
"You're evil" I whispered, hitting him lightly with my spoon, "You're driving her mad"
Beth snorted, shaking her head good naturedly, "So, are you all joining the apparition lessons for next month?"
"Yes, you know I'm too lazy to walk" I grinned, pouring myself some cereal, "and the twins are taking them too, god knows I'm not letting them beat me at it"
"You and your little rivalry" Miles snickered.
Ebony lifted her head at this, smirk in place, "It's funny that you're teasing her for that ... do they know the story of what happened with your Durmstrang boy?"
"There's a story?"
Beth and I leaned forwards, interested.
"Tell us more, Miles. What ever did you do to that poor boy?"
"We don't need to-"
"They got into a fight over the best Wizarding bands and he offended him by saying that a famous Bulgarian band sounded like a bunch of brawling alley cats. Turns out his brother plays bass for them"
I looked at Miles' cringing face for a moment before bursting into laughter, clutching my stomach. Beth fell apart similarly opposite me, wiping a stray tear from her eye.
"You bloody idiot!" I cried, cheeks hurting, "all that charm and you still can't read a room"
"It's not my fault that they sucked!" Miles cried, rubbing his temples, "I was just trying to make conversation"
Beth, body still contorting from the strength of her laughs, reached across the table and ruffled Miles' hair, "A charmer they called him! Now what will everyone say?"
She broke off into peaks of laughter again, sending me into another fit as well, sides hurting.

Our laughter was interrupted by my sister, striding up to the Ravenclaw table.
"Look at what they've written" Hermione fumed, smacking the newspaper down in front of me, "I've got to go and show Harry and Ron"
I just finished my mouthful of food as she strode away, lifting the paper to read, Miles resting his chin on my shoulder to read with me.
The words 'Dumbledore's Giant Mistake' were emblazoned boldly on the front, the article clearly written with a bias against the giant race, using derogatory language and false accusations towards Hagrid.
My frown progressively deepened as I read on, handing the paper to Beth and Ebony with an angry hiss.
"This is fucking awful" Beth hissed, Ebony reading over her shoulder, "This is all made up! How does she get this shit published?"
"She's got pull in the agency" Miles frowned, biting angrily into his apple, "The whole system is broken, she can print whatever shit she wants"
Ebony shook her head, angry noises escaping her periodically, "I need to find this Skeeter bitch, show her a piece of my mind"
"Draco's a fucking snake" I spat, pointing out his fake statement, "Him and his friends give Slytherin such a bad name"
"Not to mention Dolohov's little gang"
Miles scoffed at that, running a hand through his hair, "theyre harmless, all of them. Just brought up in racist families and have heads full of all that 'blood purity' bullshit"
"Put them in a fight with any muggleborn and watch them lose" Ebony snickered, "hell I'm sure you could take them any day Emily"
"She already did remember? Second year, tripping Dolohov" Beth grinned, kicking my leg lightly under the table, "She could take any of them easily"
"Hell yeah I could, and I'd look damn good doing it"

Spotting Lee waving at me from the Hall's entrance, I got up from my seat with a small stretch.
"Wait before you go!" Beth called, throwing a croissant at the back of my head, "are you all signing up for the apparition lessons?"
"The what?"
"Check your common room notice board, it should be there" Ebony explained, "It's basically learning an easier way to travel"
I smiled wickedly, mind running with ideas for pranks.
"It doesn't work in the castle" Miles snickered, watching as my face fell.

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