Camp Castaways

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Marla: Welcome back to Total Drama NFL! This week, we've prepared a bizarre episode full of surprises. For instance, take this weather. Rain is not an easy thing to control, let me tell you. But, we figured the four remaining campers were getting off way too easy. So, we pulled some strings, and voila! D'ah! Listen up, campers! One of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day! Where all activities with a remote possibility of fun are canceled in favor of the Craft Tent. The forecast for tomorrow: rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain! See you all in the Craft Tent tomorrow at 0700 hours.

Hours later...

Marla: Hey, Chef, you seen the campers?

Chef: No. And I peeled a whole bag of rotten spuds.

Marla: Hmm. I can't find them either. Come to think of it, I can't even find their cabins.

Maverine: So I guess that means Craft Day is canceled. Anyway, I'm starved. Let's eat.

Chef: You actually wanna eat this slop?

Maverine: Yeah, right. I'm gonna hit the breakfast buffet back at our camp.

Chef: Cool. [laughs]

Minutes later...

Chef: [blows horn] Brunch is served.

Marla: Ah, brunch. Such a civilized meal, don't you think? You've already digested your breakie, but you're not quite ready for lunch. Ooh! Hollandaise! You've outdone yourself, Chef!

Minutes later...

Maverine: Ahh. Fun in the great outdoors. Too bad the interns are missing it. We should send them a video of this. Good times.

Minutes later...

Marla: So Chef, how do you think our campers are doing on their "deserted" island?

Chef: Anything could've happened to 'em by now. Mauled by bears, fell off a cliff, starved to death.

Maverine: Hmm. Maybe I should go check the monitors and see what kind of footage we got.

Chef: Girls, You are one dedicated host. You're an inspiration.

Marla: Thanks, dude. It's what I do.

Minutes later...

Heather: That's it, I'm tired of all of these excuses.

Cliff H.: Charlie, look, some four creatures had been lost in a castaway.

Charlie W.: Cliff, this isn't creatures, that's just humans.

Cliff H.: Whatever. Hey you kids, what's wrong with you?

Heather: Who are you?

Cliff H.: I'm Cliff Harris and this is Charlie Waters, we were partners since 1970.

Duncan: Cool, I love old Cowboys players. My older twin brothers Dwight and Douglas are named after D.D. Lewis, who was actually named after the generals.

Owen: Guys, it's too far, we're cut off from humanity.

Cliff H.: It's right there, kids.

Owen: Woohoo, I'm free, come on gang. Let's get this show on the road.

Minutes later...

Marla: Hey, guys. It's about time you showed up.

Owen: [gasps] Mr. Coconut! It's a mirage! They're just figments of my imagination!

Chef: Uh, why is he talking to a coconut?

Marla: Owen, it's not a mirage. It's our production crew's secret location. Or was a secret until now.

Heather: But... what about the T-Rex skull?

Duncan: And the prehistoric goose?

Maverine: [chuckles] Oh, those are just left over from a dinosaur movie that was–

Heather: You meanwhile we were shipwrecked, you were here basking in the lap of luxury a mere hundred feet away?

Marla: Yes, Heather. That would be accurate. Sorry. I'd invite you in, but there's only room for six. See you at the campfire tonight! And Cliff and Charlie, thanks for bringing back campers.

Charlie W.: Don't mention it, Marla, I got all the luck we need.

Cliff H.: Good work Charlie.

Later that night...

Marla: Well, it's been a grueling day, campers. Frankly, Chef and I are worn out, but Cliff and Charlie escorted the campers back. I hope you've learned two valuable lessons. First, always make sure your cabins are securely fastened to the ground. And second, the "every camper for themselves" idea sucks. Four heads are always better than one. Which brings us to yet another dramatic marshmallow ceremony. Heather, Duncan, Gwen, Owen. Guess what, no eliminations, no exceptions. Let's try another day for some gruesome activity. Good night.

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