The Big Sleep

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Marla: Morning! Hope you slept well. Okay. I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute.

Owen: Oh, excuse me. I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast.

Marla: Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake! You have thirty seconds. Okay, runners! On your marks... get set... go!

After 21 campers runs around the lake.

Maverine: [through megaphone] :Pick it up, people! If you're not back by dinner time, you don't eat!

At the Main Lodge

Marla: Who's hungry?!

Minutes later, Campers groan with their stomachs full

Marla [through megaphone]: Okay, campers! Time for part two of your challenge! It's time for... The Awake-a-thon! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility! Move, move, move!

Maverine [speaking softly] :We're now twelve hours in with all twenty-one campers still wide awake.

One day later.

Marla: Congratulations, campers! You've made it to the twenty-four hour mark. Time to take things up a notch! Fairy tales! "Once... Upon a time... There was... Inside this boring kingdom..." "A boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy, village... Filled with very boring children... that did very... Boring things."

Another day later, Marla ran into Justin.

Marla: Shut Up! Oh, I've gotta see this. That is so crazy incredible! But, you're still out, dude.

Still another day later.

Marla: What is the matter with you people? [sips coffee] Come on, fall asleep already! All right, you five stay with me. The rest of you go get a shower, for heavens sake. You stink! I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said, "Chef, I don't want it to come to this. But dad gum it, these campers are tough." And so... I've come up with the most boring, sleep-inducing activity I can find. Time for a bathroom break! Any takers?

Larry F.: Duncan! You in there, man?

The paper rustles as Larry Fitzgerald gives a note to Marla.

Marla: And we have news! It Looks like Duncan's taken a dive on the can! Which means the official winner of The Awake-a-thon is... Gwen! My team wins!

Meanwhile, Heather stole Eva's MP3. Later that night.

Maverine: You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only 9 marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the Hall of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and leave. And you can never come back. Ever. The first marshmallow goes to Duncan, Bridgette, Courtney, Katie and Sadie, Tyler, DJ., Geoff, Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening. Harold! Eva, the Hall of Shame awaits.

Eva: Nice. Really nice. Who needs this stupid TV show anyway?!

Maverine: Have a good sleep tonight. You're all safe.

Marla: Michael, you are very brave that Eva is mean like Lawrence Taylor.

Michael S.: Don't mind if I do, Marla, but Eva thinks she's showing up, but Heather stole Eva's MP3 is unacceptable, so long.

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