That's Off the Chain

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Marla: [through loudspeaker] Morning, campers! Your next challenge awaits you at the Arts and Crafts Center! Welcome to the Arts and Crafts Center. It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his road hog.

Maverine: Oh, by the way, this is Paul Krause, the motorcycle rider uses his own wheels with a little thing called, the interceptor. Guess what, guys, Chef's not going to be here today because his mother's been ill, now Paul is subbing for Chef right now.

Owen: Cool.

Marla: Which brings us to your challenge. Building your own wheels!

Owen: Hot rods! Yes! Awesome! Gimme five! Woohoo! Woohoo. Woo...

Maverine: You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot.

Owen: Bicycles! Less awesome, but still good. Right?

Marla: Once you've collected the basics, you can trick 'em out any way you want using props from the Arts and Crafts Center. Best design wins! And... to prove I'm a nice guy, I'll even throw in a bike manual.

Heather: Ew, it's furry!

Cheyenne: Cool. Mold spores!

Heather: [sighs] Freak. We get first dibs!

Paul K.: I'll take this book, and what's your name?

Cheyenne: Cheyenne Arvai.

Paul K.: Okay.

As the guys tried to build their bikes...

Paul K.: What's your name sir?

Geoff: Geoff Berry, and that's Bridgette, she left recently.

Paul K.: Stop painting this thing, Geoff, now start building.

Minutes later...

Marla: [over loudspeaker] Campers! Time to judge your bikes! Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the Crafts Center! Well, campers, we gave you the parts. Let's see what you came up with. Excellent aerodynamics, Heather.

Heather: It only weighs two ounces.

Gwen: Like her brain.

Marla: Spooky, yet practical. Well done.

Paul K.: Yes, is your mother still alive?

Chef: Yes, Paul, she's fine and I can go back right now.

Marla: Wicked Mad Max-mobile, dude.

Lindsay: Go ahead. Ring her bell. The real bike has sound effects like this.

Marla: Dude. Seriously? This is lame. Paul, get D.J.

Paul K.: Bike check, 1 point, sorry D.J.

Marla: Now this is a hot rod. Nice!

Geoff: I call her... [crying] Bridgette.

Marla: Owen, nice job! Hey, where's Cheyenne and Leshawna? Cause this is where it gets good. We're gonna race these babies, hard!

Heather: Ha, awesome! Because my bike is built for speed, right, Lindsay?

Lindsay: Totally!

Maverine: Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather. You'll be switching bikes. Yeah. Cruel twist, huh? All righty then. See you at the beach!

Chef: Hey, Paul.

Paul K.: Hey, Chef.

Chef: How's the cool rides, man?

Paul K.: Well, It's awesome for those campers.

Chef: Well, my mother's okay after getting ill, she'll get used to it.

Paul K.: Okay, I'll see you than.

Chef: Bye.

Marla: Okay, here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility. Now, before we start, has anyone seen Leshawna or Cheyenne? Okay, racers! On your marks, get set... paramedics on standby... and... tread!

As the bikers crosses the finish line...

Marla: Yes! We have three awesome wipe-outs by Heather, Geoff, and DJ! Four invincibility race winners! Owen's fun machine, Heather's speed machine, Lindsay's Sunset Sally and Duncan's lethal weapon!

Seconds later...

Marla: Awesome finish, Owen. It's time to head over to the TDI Motocross.

Seconds later...

Marla: Campers, welcome to the [echoing] Moto, Moto, Moto Cross, Cross, Cross Challenge, Challenge, Challenge! Using your own bikes, you'll race the course, avoiding hidden pitfalls. Cue the death traps! There's dodging the land mines...Maneuvering through the oil slick...And finally, jumping the piranhas! Oh, and one more thing. First one to cross wins invincibility. Last one to cross gets voted off the island. No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow. Racers, take your positions! And... go!

Seconds later...

Marla: And we have our winner! Heather!

Lindsay: Yay! You won! We did it! We're safe!

Marla: That's not exactly true. Heather is safe because her bike crossed the line first, but since Duncan and Owen wiped out and didn't complete the race... they technically didn't cross the line at all. Which makes you the last one to cross the line. Which means it's Hall of Shame time, baby.

Lindsay: Okay, I'm so confused.

Heather: It means I can't save you unless I give you my invincibility. But I can't do that. Too risky. You understand.

Lindsay: But I won. I even built your bike.

Heather: [laughs nervously] I don't know what she's talking about. You should just leave with your dignity intact. It will make you seem much more cuter in the instant replays.

Lindsay: But we were going to the final three together.

Heather: Guess we're not.

LIndsay: Aren't you even sad? We're BFFs.

Heather: Yeah, for the contest. I mean, it's not like we're gonna be best friends for life or anything.

Lindsay: I can't believe you just said that! But we pinkie swore! You mean, I've been helping you all this time and you didn't even like me?

Heather: Uh, truth? Not really, no.

Lindsay: [gasps]

Heather: What? We're not here to make friends, we're here to become celebrities, remember?

Heather: [scoffs] Oh, like you're such a team player. All you do is go around scaring the crap out of everyone.

Heather: Whatever. I have invincibility. No one can touch me.

Lindsay: You really are mean! And all that bad stuff people say about you is true. Like how you're a two-faced, back-stabbing lying little [very prolonged censor beep] I always told them they were wrong. I stood up to you because I thought we were BFFs! But they're right! You really are a two-faced, back-stabbing lying little [very prolonged censor beep] And guess what? I don't wanna be BFFS anymore! I'd rather spend the day staring at Owen's butt than shopping with you. And P.S. Your shoes are tacky!

Heather: [gasps]

Heather: Oh, go jump in the piranha pool!

Paul K.: No, you won't, Lindsay's bad word saying is too crucial to anybody else. And still no sign of Cheyenne and what's that other girl's name?

All except Paul: LeShawna!

Paul K.: Oh, you're right.

Leshawna: Whoa! Get me off of this thing! [screams]


Paul K.: Girls, get out of this thing right now. Cheyenne, LeShawna, you did not attend all of these bike races, that's why they voted off Lindsay. Lindsay, get your stuff and let's go.

Marla: Too bad Lindsay has a doubtful mind, but Paul told her not to.

Marvin H.: Yes, I agree with that, thanks.

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