Search and Do Not Destroy

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After the bomb destroys LeShawna's trailer...

Marla: [pirate accent] [through megaphone] Arr, maties! Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!

Five minutes later...

Marla: [pirate accent] Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for ye?

Geoff: What's under the sheet?

Chris: [pirate accent] All in good time, laddie. Who here has a-hankerin' for a good ol' fashion treasure hunt? Now, this treasure hunt's got a twist, maties. What you're looking for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure.

Duncan: If there's no treasure, then what's with the eyepatch and the plastic parrot?

Marla: [pirate accent] Arr, shiver me timbers! Good question, me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest! Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you landlubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Ha har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank! These clues will tell ye where your key be stowed.

Owen: Ah, wha, bear?!

Maverine: I was hoping you'd get that one, dude. [to Heather] Haha, Chef's fridge. Nice. I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints. [to Geoff] That there is the septic tank. For the washrooms.

Marla: [pirate accent] All you scallywags, go find your keys and bring them back by six p.m. Eastern Standard open up your chest and get your loot! Fair thee well, young scallywags. Now get to it!

Maverine: [voiceover] Trent's first challenge. To grab his key from the man-eating shark-infested lake.

Trent: That was way too easy.

Maverine: Nice find, Trent.

Marla: [voiceover] [whispering] Heather must retrieve her key from inside Chef's bank vault of a fridge without getting caught.

Maverine: [voiceover] Duncan's tough exterior seems to be helping him with this challenge. But good ol' DJ seems a little out of his league. Meanwhile, back in the communal washrooms, things are starting to... pile up. For Geoff.

Marla: And it looks like Cheyenne's getting magic getting keys from the bees. Maybe Owen decided to sneak the bears right into it. As for Cheyenne, she's out bitten by a snake. LeShawna decided to get a key in a bottle, or she'll be bitten by the crocodile.

As the bear bites Owen...

Marla: Owen, out. John, grab the plank.

After D.J. falls from the tree...

Marla: D.J., out. Howie, grab the plank.

As Bridgette failed to get a key...

Maverine: Bridgette, out. Barry, grab the plank.

Marla: [over loudspeaker] All right, campers. Meet me at the campfire in ten minutes! And bring your keys.


Marla: [pirate accent] Yarr. It be time to claim your treasure. Who's fortunate enough to bear the precious key, come forth with it!

Duncan: Is this the best you can do?

Maverine: Only you got chips and milk, Duncan.

Owen: My key won't open any chests.

Maverine: Oh, yeah. [chuckles] I forgot to mention that some of the keys don't open up any chests. As for you, D.J. and Bridgette, your keys won't open alongside Owen, so Howie, John and Barry finally found some planks.

Marla: Nice toaster, Gwen.

Heather: Oh, and look! An invincibility pass. Lucky me.

Maverine: Great, Heather.

Marla: Some bottles, no way, Trent.

[accordion note plays]

Maverine: LeShawna, a leg lamp like the Christmas story looks cool. Lindsay, weird accordion.

Geoff: What the...?

Marla: Geoff will be able to cover up that foul stench with a can of New Cleaver Body Spray. Cleaver. It cuts through the stink.

Geoff: I just snorkeled in a septic tank for cologne?! Nice!

Marla: I hope everyone got the treasure they were looking for. And more. But now, it's time to do your duty and send one of you off the island for good. So cast your votes. [pirate accent] And I'll see ye buccaneers back at the campfire after sundown! Arr har har.

Later that night...

Marla: Maverine found dozens of marshmallows at the store, and it's finally back. And now the moment we've all been waiting for. The moment of truth. Marshmallow time! You know the routine. Whoever doesn't get a marshmallow, it's curtains for you. Cheyenne, Geoff, Gwen, Leshawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, DJ, Duncan, Owen, Marshmallows for the lot of you. Sorry Trent Welch. You're out.

Trent: [gasps]

Leshawna: That's right! Take your two-timing ways back to where you came from!

Trent: What? But I thought I was getting along so well with everybody.

Heather: I guess you were wrong.

Gwen: [gasps] You don't even care, do you?

Heather: Hey, just playing the game.

Trent: Why should you care? You think I'm a cliché.

Gwen: Where'd you get that from?!

Trent: Her.

Gwen: You know, even after all this, I still didn't vote you off!

Trent: Then how'd I get the boot?

Leshawna: My bad! I jumped the gun on that one. Told everyone to turf either you or Heather.

Heather: But tonight, I'm invincible. So that leaves poor old Trent here.

Leshawna: Looks like we got played. Sorry, hun.

Gwen: Oh, no!

Trent: It's okay. Whatever happened, happened. At least we both know that we're still okay. We're still okay, right?

Gwen: Yes.

Trent: I want you to be tough and fight through the end. For both of us. I'll be watching and cheering for you back home.

Roddy W.: Whoa, Trent, leave Gwen alone. I'll escort you home.

Marla: I didn't say Roddy to get to Trent out.

Maverine: It's okay, Marla.

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