Left Behind |Taang|

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In this AU their older, around 18 or so.
Btw Zuko isn't there he's doing fire lord stuff
Toph x Aang

Aang POV:

I sat in the corner thinking of 'that' day, the one I thought would never happen...

Flashback (still Aang's POV)

"Hey Aang!" Katara said jumping in front of me.
"Oh, hey Katara, what is it?" I asked.
"Well, we were.. assigned for a mission and.. we're going to be gone for a couple.. months, but they said not to bring anyone else, I hope that's ok with you." She said hesitantly.
"That's completely fine!" I said.
"Great! We'll see you then!" She said, she had her own transportation so she didn't need Appa to get her everywhere, not like I would've let her use Appa for like 3 months, he needs a rest anyways.

Toph POV: (The same scene)
"That's completely fine!" Aang said, being gullible. She's lying. She really needs to cover up more, but I'm more worried about how I'm gonna tell Aang...

3 months later...
Aang POV

It's been 3 months and I can't wait to see Sokka and Katara again! It's been boring without them.. and it's pretty hard to talk with Toph about it, but by the look on her face, you can tell she feels the same.
Then I saw Toph walking towards me 'looking' down at the ground.

Toph POV

'How can I even tell him this, I really don't wanna hurt him, he's been through enough already...' I thought as i sighed.
"Hey Toph!" Aang said happily, I really don't want to be the one to have to tell him..
"Hey... I have something to tell you..." I said hesitantly.
"What is it?" Aang smiled.
"I know I should've told you sooner but..." I started.
"But? What is it? You're making me really worried.." He said, smile slowly fading.
"Well... Umm... I really don't know how to say it but..." I started, there was no backing out anymore, no more secrets. "When Katara left... She- lied to you.."
"Huh?" You could tell his visible confusion, it was even in his voice. "But Katara barely ever lies, only to keep people safe."
"Well... That's not exactly true..." I said, the closer it got, the worse I felt. "Umm... She-she lied.. about.. coming back.."
"..." I could feel him staring shocked at me. I could feel his pain... "No- NO! That can't be true.. She wouldn't, she-she wouldn't! Right..?"
"Aang... I'm sorry, I was shocked too..." I said walking closer to him. "I know how much you loved her..."
"I would've gave her my life.. I thought she was different!" Aang said... Different?
"Well, if she doesn't stay by you, if she doesn't tell you the truth, then she doesn't deserve you.." I said as Aang lifted his head up. I felt a soft pair of lips touch mine.
Aang pulled away. "It wasn't your fault, it was hers, I didn't notice, I was too oblivious.. It wasn't her I loved.. It was you.."
"I-" I couldn't think straight.. He liked me?! Never expected it really. "I like you too, but I didn't know how to tell you..."
I couldn't finish, Aang pulled me into another kiss.
"You talk too much." He said as he went back in for another kiss.
"Alright that's enough twinkletoes. Let's go to bed." I said as I dragged him up the stairs.
"Oi! Your gonna give me a bruise!"

Ik this was bad.

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