6: You did it.

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Pen's POV:

'Owowow... Ugh... What happened?..' I thought to myself as I started to regain consciousness.

I pried my eyes open as they adjusted to the darkness of the dimly lit room. I didn't know where I was...

My heart started to pound a little from the sudden change in surroundings.

I frantically got up as my body ached. All I remember was walking towards a door with the others before I was hit with a sharp pain on my neck.

The thought of this made me panic a little more.

"O-Okay, Pen... C-Calm down... The situation is already bad enough. D-Don't get too scared-" I tried to reassure myself as I took deep breaths.

I calmed down a bit but I still didn't feel any better about being in a dark room.

I looked around for a while before standing up slowly. I winced, the ache in my legs making its presence known as I stood.

"I-I knew I shouldn't have come here... What was I thinking..." I mumbled to myself.

I didn't like how I was the only thing in the room... I just hugged myself. Something bad was gonna happen, I just know it-

I gulped as I started to make my way to the other side of the room. My eyes darted back and forth just in case something was going to jump at me.

Every step I took made a loud clang of metal which made me jump at times but I got used to it. I just looked forward to where my goal was...

The end of the room. Though... I couldn't really see it...

'W-Where was the exit??' I questioned myself.

W-Was I going the right way?... A-Am I lost?... Oh god... M-Maybe I should turn back-

But when I looked back, I couldn't even see the wall of the room. I started to hyperventilate a bit, panic rising in my throat.

J-Just... Keep going forward. Eventually I'll reach the end.


Nonetheless I kept moving forward as I started to feel short of breath. I hadn't been gasping for air for a few seconds.

They say to focus on your breathing... Okay... I will.

I closed my eyes as I continued walking.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

I kept telling myself that.

Suddenly, I felt as if the floor had changed. It was... Fuzzy? I stopped in my tracks and slowly opened my eyes.

I was... In a forest?? I looked around a bit more.

Wait... I recognise this place. This place...

No... no way... not here again!-

I stepped back in shock as I held my breath.

"Hey Pen!" A voice I recognised called out.

I quickly whipped my head around and nervously smiled.

"H-Hey, Eraser- Uhm... B-Blocky. S-Snowball."

"Why do you sound so nervous? C'mon man... You agreed to come with us anyway..." Blocky said as he rolled his eyes.

"I-" I decided to play along.

"R-Right..." I mumbled in defeat.

"Stop being such a crybaby about it, huh? Let's go." Snowball irritably said as he walked in the opposite direction. The rest followed.

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