3: How's this going to work out?

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(A/N I realised how much talking there would be in this sooo like forgive me if the words after the dialogues sound so repetitive :,,> )

Third person:

The room was really empty. There wasn't much in there except a few lockers for the objects to put their belongings. Other than that it was another completely white room with another metal door on the opposite side from the entrance.

"MORE PEOPLE YAYYY!" Leafy cheered as she hopped happily.

Pen awkwardly smiles while Lollipop wears a face of exasperation.

"I'm not staying here..."

Lollipop turned around but as she was about to leave, the door shut right in front of her.

"Hey. That's rude..." She complaints.

The speaker screeches as it gets switched on again.

"Ummm... Sorry! You can't leave now! Uhmmm... because... you haven't finished the session yet!" X's voice echoes throughout the room.

Lollipop sighs before walking nearer to the crowd circle but still keeping her distance. Pen had put his belongings in the locker before joining the circle too.

"Awwww don't be so sour! Aren't we here to make friends?" Leafy reminded everyone.

"Ugh... No... We're here to solve our problems and you seem to be the source of mine..." Lollipop crudely uttered.

"I hate you all!" Fanny barked.

"Please not you too... Ugh Whatever." Lollipop says as she crosses her arms.

"Shouldn't we introduce ourselves?" Pen suggests.

"I hate introductions!"

"OH OH LET ME START! Ahem. Hi! I'm Leafy!"

"Oh! Uh... Hello my name's Pin."

"I'm Firey."


"Pen. My name is Pen."

"I hate introductions but I'll let it slide this once. I'm Fanny."

They all stared at each other before the silence was broken

"So what are you in here for? If... You guys don't mind..." Pin asks everyone.

"You make it sound like we're in jail!" Fanny commented.


"People say I have a bit of a god complex and is way too competitive buuuut they are probably just jealous." Firey interrupts.

She shot a glare at Firey.

"Well... I-I Guess I have anxiety or uhh something like that..." Pen mutters.

"Oh is that so?"

"W-Well... Yeah?"

"Is that why you weren't willing to talk much when I first met you?"

"Lollipop you aren't making this any better..."

"Was I trying to?"

"Ughh... Let me guess... Overly sarcastic and rude?.." (A/N Yes. Yes it is Lolli...)

"Me? Sarcastic? No..?"

Everyone stared at Lollipop, baffled. Lollipop looked around.


Pen folds his arms and turns away from Lollipop's gaze. She then rolls her eyes at him.

"I hate this awkwardness!" Fanny blurts.

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