7: Part of You :)

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Leafy's POV:

I felt so light... As if I was floating in outer space. Weightless...

Then I awoke in cold sweat with my back against the cold metallic floor as I stared wide-eyed at the ceiling. Or rather, the dark abyss of the ceiling... It was hard to tell if the room was actually this tall or my vision was just warped...

In my panic, I immediately sat myself up as I started gasping for air. Was I even breathing throughout the time I was knocked out?! I don't think so... It's a miracle I'm alive right now.

Will I even be alive by the end of this experience?..

I can't be optimistic right now... All I could feel was existential dread.

"Whatever, no one is here right now. No need to put on a show..."

Not that I'm faking my personality! Nono! Let's just say- I'm... Over exaggerating it... Uhhh.. Yeah.

I steadied my breathing and wiped off any excess sweat I had from my short panic attack and got up as my eyes darted about the room. I couldn't see any walls- Just the metallic floor and darkness.

I had a super bad bad feeling about this...

I placed my right hand on my left arm and felt a slight wound. I was tranquilised. What a cheap tactic... I shouldn't have let my guard down. Especially in a place like this-

"Why did I even come here in the first place?" I asked myself again.

I had all the suspicions. Yet I went with it anyway. An idiotic play if i do say so myself-

I then snapped myself out of my own thoughts.

"Ah- Leafy don't get ahead of yourself. You should be figuring a way out of here. And quick." I said to myself outloud.

Thus, I began this treacherous journey to the exit of this room.

As I began cautiously walking towards the opposite side of the room I began thinking again... Who knows what those psychos injected me with when I was out cold?! Could it be poison? Maybe something to hinder my thought process?! Wait no... I'm thinking perfectly fine right now. Maybe they didn't do anything...

That didn't really help... It just made me feel worse. Filled with uncertainty making me feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I felt a slight shift in the atmosphere around me. Surely enough, the surrounding had changed from a metal box to a giant forest.

The trees were all dead. The leaves had all rotted and fallen to the ground. There was little to no light and the mist was so dense I could hardly breathe.

Was this a domain of some kind? Wait... It kind of reminds me of-

Before I could finish that thought, I heard a manic laughter ring out from around me. I quickly whipped my head around as I backed up against a tree. Why here?? Why now??

Why her.

I have to get out of here. NOW.

The laughter started to surround me more and seemed to get louder and louder.

I started my sprint through the dead forest narrowly avoiding hanging branches, winding between the trees as the leaves on the floor flew behind me from how fast I was.

Now voices had started to overlap with the laughter. Voices. Of people I know. Especially him... I'm sorry...


Stop feeling guilty Leafy!! This is what they want. I can't fall for it- Whoever is orchestrating this. I think one was named X and the other unknown.

They are the sickest motherfu-

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