4: Back to school

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Third person:

As the objects entered the next room they expected something more calming than going to the gym or exercising.

Boy were they wrong.

"W-What!?.." Pen uttered in shock.

"I hate school!!" Fanny barked.

"I graduated school like, I don't know how many years ago..." Lollipop declared. (A/N Oh yeah they are all adults in this AU)

The room was a classroom. A place even worse than the gym. At least in a gym you would be able to walk around and workout but in a classroom, you're stuck in one spot. Forced to listen to random blabbering.

"First a gym. Now a classroom?? What is this place?! Wasn't this supposed to be a therapy session?" Pin asks in dismay.

The speaker screeches back on. X's voice emitted from the speakers now.

"Well... according to other scientists, learning actually makes you happier. Researchers found that one of the things that people need to be happy is to be engaged in difficult-but-doable activities. This is an opportunity for you to become so absorbed in your tasks that time seems to stand still."

"That's... That's just silly... I didn't come here to study... " Firey said as he rolled his eyes.

"Uhmm well you can't go back now because... uhhh..." A beep was heard and suddenly the door behind the objects slammed shut, causing some of the objects to jolt in surprise.

"The door is locked!"

A few loud sighs were heard.

"Well- Learning can be fun too..? I guess..?" Leafy questioningly mumbled. Even Leafy did not seem too happy about this.

"Okay everyone!! Please take a seat! We're going to learn about algebra!" X squealed excitedly.

Every table was a standard school desk and chair. There was also a pencil and paper on the table for the objects to take down notes.

As everyone took their seats a mechanical hand reached down from the ceiling with a long wooden ruler.

"This mechanical hand would represent my hand! If you didn't guess already." X stated.

"Already thinking little of us. How nice..." Lollipop remarked sarcastically.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that! Okay! So we're going to start with a simple equation-" X continued.

Firey was already dozing off, since he couldn't read, he didn't understand anything on the board so to him there was no need to listen.

He was 90% asleep when X saw him. The objects could not see but X was frowning, obviously upset at Firey's behaviour.

Firey then started snoring which attracted everyone's attention.

"Ugh- how annoying..." Lollipop said as she recoiled away from Firey's seat.

Four then took the mic from X and said,

"I agree! Oh did my partner forget to mention that I was watching to see if you're paying attention? Why do you ask? So I could do this!" Another beep was heard.

The mechanical hand immediately straightened and aggressively zoomed towards Firey's seat. The other objects had to brace the strong winds from the zooming hand since it was going so fast.

Suddenly, the mechanical hand slammed the wooden ruler onto Firey's desk causing it to make a loud smack sound that echoed across the room.

Firey jumps out of his seat, onto the floor and screams from being awoken so suddenly. His flames grew higher as his heart raced.

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