Update** (Sorry for being MIA :,])

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Hey so uhh it's been a while huh? :,))

Sorry I had been gone for like- almost a year holy shit waaa time flies- anyway I'm so sorry for not really saying much and just leaving for a while so I'm about to explain a few reasons why didn't come back for that time period.

I want to apologise for my absence and making you all wait for the next chapter of the book (dw it's not cancelled but I have some news abt it and stuff we'll get to that soon)

Ok so the reasons for my absence in the past year is a few things.

Firstly, the most logical and understanding point is that this year is actually my graduation year from my school and I need to get a certain grade overall to move on to a school I want to apply for (I already have a confirmed seat in there I just need the minimum requirements :D) so I've been working my way to get good grades for my finals this year, which I am half way through already :0

So yeah you can say I took a break from most things and focused on my studies and all.

Secondly, uhh it may seem a little sad but- I'm no longer interested in the OSC or BFB and all that- yeah I'm no longer in the fandom. BUT- BUT! I have been considering this for the longest time throughout my absence: I want to continue this book.

The sole reasons I do, is one, I actually do want to somewhat finish writing a book. Two, I want to further develop this story because well, so far this isn't even at the juicy bits yet hehe. Third, I kinda want to associate these versions of the characters as my own in a way?? Don't get me wrong I'm not stealing the characters! Nono! I'd never >:0

I just don't really want to be in the fandom too much so think of this as it's own independent story kinda. Idk if that makes sense?? Eh it's ok that's my own personal reason. You can still think of this as an AU or smth XD

Yeah idk some things happened when I was in the fandom (not directly at Me) so ehhh yeah I'm not gonna elaborate.

Okok the last reason is kinda more personal and stuff because it was about my mental health. With the adding up stresses of a lot of different things I kinda went MIA from all socials for a while in the start of the year and yeahhh it just got worse and worse as I went through this year. But dw! I'm doing better rn :]

I don't want to explain much about this because I don't want anyone worrying too much! We are all here to have fun and enjoy a story! >:))

Just write that as a "mental health break" yep U_U

So yeah those are the few reasons I kinda disappeared- so sorry abt it >_< I should've said smth before (or more like I did? But I didn't expect it to be this long)

Aaa anyway onto the more interesting parts >:)

I'm going to be continuing this story but you all might have to wait until I start my holidays! That's the time I'll be the most free (it'll start in the end of nov to give you the estimate)

Also uhh expect slow updates because I'm the type to have weird bursts of motivation at ungodly times. Mostly at times where I can't even do anything so 😭 I need some time to get the story sorted again and all. I actually have a draft of the next official chapter waiting to be proof read again and edited so I think I'll get started on that after my exams :]

Ok I don't think there anything else I need to address here sooo I hope you're having a good day/night rn! I really appreciate those who still support me and this book even after so long 💕

If you have any qns just comment on this sentence and I'll eventually get back to you :D

Thank you all sm!! 💕

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