5: The Warehouse

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(SORRY REUPLOAD I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THIS CHAPTER IM SO STOOPID also sorry for any errors- I don't have the energy to reread and edit again)

(Also scroll to the bottom for an Author's note update on my uhhh absence. AGAIN.)

Lollipop's POV:

Ugh... Can they get anymore annoying?.. Always blabbering about nonsense... I can't wait to get out of this stupid facility-


I then turned around to discover that the door I had just gone through slammed shut. With... Myself. Alone... Where did everyone else go?.. Wait... Why am I worried about them?! I literally wished for them to disappear. So... Why does it feel... so... empty now...?

I just shook my head. Snapping myself back to reality.

"What the... What are they trying to do now..." I frustratedly mumbled. I could feel my brows furrowing, thoughts racing.

However soft my voice was, it still echoed through the empty room. It was so dark and cold...

I hugged myself as the room felt more and more like a freezer. The temperature dipping... lower and lower and lower...

"T-This isn't funny anymore!!" I shouted, still trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

Silence. Only the returning echoes of my words could be heard bouncing back to me.

I let out a huge groan and stomped towards the other side of the room. Every step I took made a huge metallic clang on the cold metal floor. Every step. A little closer to the opposite side of the room, but.... I never seemed to reach the end.

"What...?...There's no way- This room can't be THAT big..."

I continued to walk in what seemed like an endless hallway... Suddenly, my side bumped into something. That something shook, the familiar rattle making it sound as if there was a bunch of stuff on it...

"What the?..." I turned to see a huge metal shelf of items and boxes.


I then spun around to see many shelves of items.

"That's impossible!" I exclaimed in disbelief, pupils dilating as I whipped around in horror.

I just was in an empty room!! And... T-These shelves seem... familiar... Wait-N-No it can't be...!

The room got colder as the maze of shelves seemed to go on endlessly. Like looking at an infinity pool. Never-ending. They... however, made a specific path. I had no choice but to follow. At this point I was practically clinging onto myself.

My spine chilled everytime my feet hit the cold ground. Thud after thud after thud.

Am I...Am I really gonna die here?...

No... Stop thinking of ridiculous things, Lollipop... I can't die here. They wouldn't allow me to! Or at least I hope... This must be some test... no matter how sick it is.

My thoughts raced through my head as I continued walking along the shelves. I couldn't turn to go in any other direction even if I wanted to... The shelves blocked every other way except forward.

I couldn't focus. The more I walked, the colder I got. I started to shiver. Thoughts raced everywhere.

"W-What kind of sick game is this?!..." I complained, gritting my teeth.

I was starting to boil with frustration and rage. I just stopped walking.


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