Part 4 Let's go

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It was the next day, and Olive and Otto had just arrived at their squad a while ago, watching from their office as their agents poured in downstairs.

"So, are you excited for the mission today, Olive?" Otto suddenly asked, looking over at his partner.

Olive held back a smile, not even bothering to look at him. "Excited? Otto, this mission is serious business." she stated. She then glanced up at Otto as her smile began to show "But yeah, I'm kind of excited." she admitted.

Olive was excited, but she was also sort of nervous. What they hadn't told Otis and Olympia was that this was going to be their first top secret mission since they had become Mr. and Ms O. Well, technically their second one but the first one was more like a trial run in Olive's opinion, and much easier than she thought this one would be.

Olive sighed, her nervousness starting to show as she made her way over to the purple couch in their office, taking a seat on it.

Otto followed her, sitting down beside her as he asked "What's wrong, Olive?" a look of concern on his face.

"Nothing." Olive lied, crossing her arms.

"Partner, I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. What's going on?" Otto questioned, seeing right through her lies.

Olive sighed again "Aren't you nervous? About the mission I mean?" she hesitantly asked him.

"Ah, so you're nervous about the mission?" Otto questioned back, pointing at her. But he said it more like a statement though.

"Yeah, kind of. I mean, what if we mess up? What if I mess up?" Olive said, partially speaking to herself, hating how her insecurities were showing through.

"Then we'll fix it, like we always do. Together." Otto reassured her, lightly placing his hand on her shoulder.

Olive nodded a little. She knew he was right, but she was still nervous about it. She wanted to make sure this mission went absolutely perfect. After all, she was a Ms O now, she was supposed to be able to handle these kinds of things.

"And besides, we'll have Olympia and Otis coming with us too, so it's not like we'll be alone." Otto added, trying to ease her nerves, his hand still on her shoulder.

Olive finally looked up at Otto, still seeming unsure.

"We can do this, Olive." Otto stated confidently as if he'd never been more sure of anything in his life.

Olive then smiled at him, finally believing his words. "Ok." she simply replied, Otto smiling in response.

"Sorry for worrying, partner." Olive instinctively apologized, a little embarrassed about her uncertainty. But Otto shook his head and replied, "Don't be sorry, Olive. Everyone gets a little nervous every now and then, it's totally normal."

How did I ever get so lucky to have him as a partner? Olive thought to herself.

"Thanks, Otto. So, should we call Otis and Olympia now?" Olive questioned, figuring they should probably get a move on. When Olive looked over at Otto though, he was looking towards the large glass doors in front of their office, where he saw none other than the excited, redhead, Olympia, and the no-nonsense, agent Otis waiting to come in.

"Looks like we don't need to." Otto pointed out with a smirk.

They then stood up and went to let them in.

"Good morning you two. You ready for the mission?" Olive asked the two agents as they walked into the office.

"So ready." Olympia and Otis spoke at the exact same time, something they did very often.

After asking Otis and Olympia some other random questions like 'Did you get a good night's sleep?' and 'Did you eat breakfast?' Olive and Otto called in O'Bella (one of their agents) to be in charge of the squad while they were away on the mission, to which the girl happily obliged. They didn't even need to bother going to the tube lobby to get to their destination, since Olive and Otto now had their own secret tube entrances in the wall of their office. Another cool perk of running your own squad.

"Cool! We seriously get to use these?!" Olympia fangirled over the awesome mode of transportation.

"You know it!" Otto reacted, nearly just as excited as her.

"Olympia, you can use mine," Olive instructed, pointing at her respective tube entrance. "And Otis, you can take Otto's. We'll be right behind you guys." she finished, nervously excited energy filling the room.

Otis nodded at Olive in response before turning to face his partner. "Let's do this, partner." he said, them doing their secret handshake before getting into their respective tube pods.

"Preparing to squishinate!" Otto called out. "Squishinating!" Olive finished for him, pressing a button on the desk which sent Olympia and Otis on their way.

Now it was their turn.

"Let's go." Olive said confidently, her partner grinning in response before they both climbed into the tubes, being squished down inside the purple spheres that sent them traveling to their destination.

The secret forest.

Posted! 😘 Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it was kinda short but maybe I'll try to make the next ones longer? Or do you guys like shorter chapters or longer ones? Let me know in the comments! But yea, they are now officially on their top secret mission! Lol. Yeah, hope you guys liked this chapter!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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