Part 3 I will agree to this

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"I- you- I- I- you...." Olympia stammered, not seeming to be able to form any words since she was so overly excited, similar to the first time she met Olive and Otto.

"She's really excited." Otis told Olive and Otto to clarify why Olympia wasn't quite speaking correctly.

Olive and Otto nodded in understanding, they were pretty much used to Olympia fangirling over things by now.

"So what's the mission about?" Otis inquired.

"We're not technically allowed to tell you two what the mission actually is unless you agree to it." Olive informed them.

"You know, cuz it's so top secret and all." Otto added, seeming a bit annoyed with that rule.

"We understand. Ms O can't tell us any of her top secret missions either." Otis pointed out.

"So, what do you say? Are you two coming or what?" Olive asked with a hidden smirk since she already knew the answer to her question.

"Of course!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!!" Olympia finally said. She then looked over at Otis, silently asking if he agreed too.

"I will agree to this." Otis stated with a serious nod.

"Awesome!" Otto said, grinning.

"Boom-mission-lotta!" Otto and Olive exclaimed in unison while fist bumping each other.

"Alright then, have a seat, you two. We'll explain everything." Olive said as she and Otto sat back down at their shared desk, Otis and Olympia sitting down in the chairs in front of the desk.

"So, this mission's gonna be a tricky one, we're going to have to travel to a secret forest to locate...." Otto trailed off before looking over at Olive.

"The Ambassador." Otto and Olive dramatically stated at the same time.

"The Ambassador?" Otis questioned, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

Olive then picked up a purple, octagon shaped remote off of the desk, pressing a button on it which caused a picture to a appear on the screen behind them.

"This is the Ambassador." Olive said, pointing to the screen which displayed a photo of a cat, dressed in a regal-looking suit.

"Awwwwwwwww!! That is so cute!!" Olympia beamed. "Isn't that so cute, Otis?" she asked sort of rhetorically as she glanced over at Otis, who just nodded in response.

Olive and Otto told them that along with finding the Ambassador and bringing him back to odd squad, they also needed to track down the ancient pineapple, which would also be somewhere in that forest. It had been hidden there by some villain a while ago, and it was time that odd squad found it and brought it back before the villain came back to get it. After all, it could cause extreme odd if the ancient pineapple was in the wrong hands.

Olympia was listening intently to Olive and Otto as they spoke, not missing a single detail about the top secret mission. Otis was listening too.... sort of.... he couldn't help but gaze over at Olympia though. Her smile was so mesmerizing to him, and he thought she looked so cute just sitting there, nodding to what Olive and Otto were saying. And just then, in that moment, Otis realized something that hadn't before.

He was crushing on Olympia.

"Ok, you guys got all that?" Olive double checked after she and her partner were done explaining the mission, Otis instantly snapping out of his thoughts to look up at them.

"Got it." he instinctively said, nodding seriously once.

"This is gonna be awesome." Olympia stated, nodding a bit with a wide smile on her face as she looked over at Otis, who was giving her a small smile of his own.

"We better report back to Ms O now." Otis said as he and Olympia stood up.

"Ok. We'll leave for the mission in the the morning tomorrow, so make sure you guys get a good night's rest tonight." Olive told them as they nodded in response, even though Olympia knew that there was no way she was gonna get any sleep tonight since she was so excited.

Otis, on the other hand, was pretty sure that he wasn't gonna get any sleep either, but it was for a different reason....

He'd be up all night thinking about his newfound crush on Olympia.

Posted! 😘 Hey guys, so sry this chapter kinda had too much dialogue in it lol. But anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! And I hope you like the mission that I came up with for them, I thought it'd be cool and kinda funny to incorporate 'the ambassador' from one of Ms O's top secret missions in the episode 'Best Seats in the House' lol. Also, totally made up the 'ancient pineapple' off the top of my head lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did,

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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