Part 5 Obvious

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Olympia and Otis emerged from the tube entrance first, almost tripping as they skidded to a stop on the unfamiliar, grassy terrain of the forest.

"Wow...." Olympia trailed off in a whisper as she and Otis marvelled at the sight around them. The secret forest looked like a mixture of intimidating and mysterious, but also astounding and beautiful. Olympia had never seen so much.... green in one place before. There were so many trees, bushes and plants surrounding them that they could barely tell that it was daytime, the greenery almost acting as walls as it shielded the area from nearly any sunlight.

Otis couldn't help but glance over at Olympia though, noticing how the little bit of sunlight that did seep through the trees highlighted her face perfectly, making her redish/orange hair look like energetic fire.


Otis' heart rate sped up as he blushed slightly when she turned to look at him, her bright brown eyes somehow shining beautifully in the dim lighting.

How had he not noticed this before?

He was broken from his daze when there was a flash of light from behind them, Olive and Otto stumbling out of the tube entrance before standing still to take in their surroundings also.

"Alright, we're here. What do we do now?" Otis questioned, his arms behind his back as he hoped no one could see the slight pink tint on his cheeks which was still there from a second ago.

"Ok, we need to find the ambassador and the ancient pineapple. So Otto and I will look for the pineapple with these gadgets." Olive said, holding up two small gadgets. "These are the fruit-locate-inators that one of our scientists, Oliver recently made." she clarified.

"Yeah, but we had him modify them for this mission, so now they're pineapple-locate-inators." Otto explained.

"So that means Otis and I get to look for the ambassador?" Olympia questioned excitedly.

"Yes, but you have to be careful." Olive told them. "Olive's right. There are a lot of odd creatures in this forest and they can be dangerous." Otto chimed in.

"Good thing that's my nickname." Olympia joked, nudging Otis with her elbow since dangerous was the nickname that he gave her on rookie night. Otis let out a small chuckle at that.

Olive and Otto had absolutely no idea what that little inside joke meant, but they didn't comment on it.

"There should be a special plant around here somewhere that's supposed to attract the ambassador to you if he's close by." Olive recalled, looking around to see if she could spot it. She wordlessly motioned for Otis to help her search for it a few feet away from where Otto and Olympia were also helping to look for the plant.

After a couple seconds of looking through the bushes for the special plant, Olive looked over at Otis, only to find that he wasn't really focused on the task at hand, but instead was subtly (or not so subtly) gazing over at where Olympia was standing a few feet away.

"Otis?" Olive quietly tried to get his attention.

Otis quickly turned his head to face Olive, stammering out a "What is it?".

Olive smiled slightly at him.

She knew exactly what was going on.

"Otis, I don't mean to pry, but you like Olympia, right?" Olive asked only loud enough for Otis to hear.

Otis froze.

He was not expecting that question.

Was he being that obvious?

"Of course I like her. She's my best friend." he reacted, sort of dodging the question.

Olive nodded slowly. "I think you know that's not what I meant."

Otis sighed extra quietly, quickly glancing over at Olympia and Otto just to make sure they weren't hearing any of this.

He turned back to Olive, and knowing there was pretty much no point in lying now, he replied with, "Is it that obvious?"

Olive gave another nod. "Yes. Yes it is." she casually said.

Otis was hoping desperately that Olympia hadn't noticed his apparently obvious crush on her yet, but thankfully, it didn't seem like she did.

"Don't worry, Otis, I won't say anything to her about it." Olive assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks." he mumbled in response.

"But maybe you should." Olive added.

"What? No way!" Otis whisper-shouted, almost offended that she would even suggest that. "That would ruin my friendship with her."

"You don't know that." Olive stated, but before she could say anything else, Otto was shouting to them.

"Guys! We found it! We found the plant!" Otto exclaimed, him and Olympia bounding over to them with the small, green foliage in their hands.

Olive looked over at Otis and quietly said, "Just think about it. You and Olympia would be cute together."

Otis' cheeks turned crimson for what had to be the forth time that day, as he instinctively dusted the nonexistent dirt off of his suit jacket.

"Good work, guys." Olive said once Olympia and Otto were standing directly in front of them.

Olive then instructed Otis and Olympia to each put a piece of the plant into their pockets, and after that, they were ready to get the mission started. After wishing each other luck and everything, the two pairs went off in their respective directions, Otto and Olive in search of the pineapple, and Olympia and Otis in search of the ambassador.


As Olympia and Otis trekked through the forest, they tried their best not to freak out at all the noises they kept hearing. Even the sounds of the leaves crunching beneath them as they walked seemed to put them on edge.

"You ok there, partner?" Otis asked, looking over at Olympia, who was casting nervous glances around her.

"Yeah, just fine." Olympia piped up. "I just hope we find the ambassador soon, you know, before we find any other odd creatures by mistake. Or maybe the creatures here are friendly and people just don't know it because they always try to avoid them?" she rambled, putting her signature positive spin on things.

Otis was about to reply to her, but Olympia cut in with a question that Otis wasn't anticipating at all.

"What were you and Olive talking about earlier?"

"Oh, just some stuff about the mission. Nothing important." Otis quickly fabricated, hoping that she would just drop the subject right then and there.

But knowing Olympia, she probably wouldn't.

But before they could continue the uncomfortable topic of conversation any further, they were interrupted by a rustling noise coming from the bushes nearby.

They both froze in place.

"What was that?" Olympia slowly asked, looking around frantically, Otis mirroring her actions.

"I don't know.... I think it came from over there...." he pointed in the direction of large shrub that looked quite intimidating.

"M-maybe it was the ambassador?" Olympia suggested.

But her theory was proved wrong when they heard a low growl coming from the same direction.

"That didn't sound like a cat...." Otis trailed off before grabbing Olympia's hand as they ran off as quickly, yet as quietly as they could.

Posted! 😘 Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was really fun to write this one, especially Olive and Otis' little conversation lol. Plz let me know if you liked this in the comments below! And yea, hope you liked this chapter!

Plz, comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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