part 8 We did it! Sort of

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The rain had stopped by now, which Otis was extremely thankful for as he just paced around aimlessly in the forest, still clueless as to where Olympia was. Or where he was himself for that matter. He tried calling her earlier but quickly realized that his badge phone wasn't on his suit anymore. He figured it must've fell off somehow when he was running through all the pouring rain and thick vines streaming down from the trees. How was he supposed to find Olympia now? She could be anywhere, and he had no way of contacting her.

"What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?" he mumbled to himself anxiously. As Olympia's partner, he felt that he was supposed to protect her. They were supposed to stick together, especially on an important mission like this. He had to find her.

Just then, he remembered something. When it rained, it made the ground really muddy, so maybe he'd be able to locate Olympia's and the ambassador's footprints on the ground and track them down!

He quickly rummaged through his pocket for a flashlight that he almost forgot he had brought, turning it on and scanning the ground for footprints. He walked for a while until he finally saw the ambassador's pawprints, and even better, there were shoe prints also! Which meant that if he kept following this trail, he'd find Olympia.... or at least that's what he hoped.

Otis felt like he'd been walking for hours, but eventually his work paid off when he found the ambassador sitting calmly near some bushes.

He was slightly relieved as he made his way over to the cat, but he still didn't see Olympia. The trail of footprints had also ended, which frustrated him further. Letting out a sigh, he kneeled down next to the ambassador. "Shouldn't you know where Olympia is?" he found himself directly asking the animal. "Great, now I'm talking to a cat. Is that normal?" he wondered aloud, feeling a bit stupid.

The ambassador just looked up at him though, meowing in response before starting to saunter off. Not really having any other choice, Otis followed after him hoping that wherever he was going would lead him to Olympia.

Meanwhile, Olympia was a little ways away in another part of the forest, just sitting on the forest floor, racking her brain for an idea on how to find Otis after the fourth time of attempting to call his badge phone.

"I can't believe I don't know where Otis is, or where the ambassador is." she remarked, talking to no one in particular. "Maybe if I wasn't so focused on Otis possibly having a crush on Olive then I wouldn't have let the ambassador get away from us, and I wouldn't be lost right now with no idea where Otis is...." she thought aloud, ignoring the fact that she was basically talking to herself at this point. The truth was, the thought of Otis liking someone other than her made a her a little jealous, and that's why she kept asking him about it earlier. She never admitted it to him before, but Olympia was crushing on Otis too, she just decided to keep that information to herself since she didn't want their friendship to be ruined if he rejected her.

Olympia sighed before standing up to pace around aimlessly. What was she going to do?

Just as she was about to try and call Otis again, she heard some rustling in the nearby bushes, looking around frantically as she became nervous.

Before she could worry anymore though, the ambassador had emerged from the shrubbery.

"Ambassador!" Olympia beamed, smiling widely as the cat continued to crawl towards her.

Soon after, Otis was crawling through the bush also, causing Olympia's smile to light up ten times more.

"Otis!" she exclaimed in utter happiness and relief.

"Partner!" Otis called to her, sighing in relief as he stood up to hug her. "Are you ok?" he immediately asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm so glad you found me, I had no idea where you were." Olympia expressed before they both pulled away from the hug to look at each other. "Otis I'm sorry for acting the way I did about you having a crush on Olive. And for basically forcing you to tell me that you did. I should've been more focused on the mission instead. I mean, you can like whoever you want, even if you don't wanna tell me about it, I should be ok with that." she apologized before studying her now extremely interesting shoes.

She heard Otis let out a small sigh before he spoke. "Olympia, I don't have a crush on Olive."

Olympia slowly lifted her gaze to him, giving him a curious look. "You don't?"

"No. It's you I have a crush on."

Olympia's cheeks instantly turned pink as she just stared at him.

"That's what Olive and I were talking about earlier. She wanted me to tell you that I like you...." Otis shyly admitted, his own face turning red also.

"Oh...." Olympia trailed off, unable to hide the natural smile that appeared on her face at that moment. "Really? Well in that case, I have a crush on you too. I- I just didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want things to get awkward and weird between us if you rejected me or something." she let out a nervous laugh, blushing like crazy.

"Wait, what? You like me too?" he reacted, his eyes widened in surprise. "That would've been so much easier if I knew that sooner." he said, earning a laugh from her.

The ambassador then let out a "meow" noise, interrupting their little moment, Olympia giggling a bit.

"Hey, wait, I just realized something. We found the ambassador, and we found each other again, so that's basically mission accomplished!" she pointed out, smiling brightly.

"We did it!.... Sort of!" she and Otis exclaimed happily in unison, high-five-ing each other.

"But we still don't know where we are though, or where the tube entrance is." Otis stated, glancing around a bit.

"Yeah, and we don't know where Olive and Otto are." Olympia said, realizing that only half of the mission was actually accomplished. "But we'll find them. At least we know they're somewhere in this forest." she optimistically added, even though that didn't exactly narrow things down.

"Yeah...." Otis agreed anyway, Olympia then smiling before reaching down and taking the ambassador into her arms.

"Come on, we can't just stand around. We gotta find Olive and Otto." she stated, her energetic demeanor making Otis crack a small smile of his own.

"Ok. Right behind you, partner." he reacted, following her as she walked off in a random direction.

A/n: Posted!😘 Hope you guys like this chapter! Idk if it's good or not lol, but it was really fun to write this one! I'd love to know what your favorite part of this chapter is, and I hope you like it!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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