Part 9: Guys! There you are!

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Otis and Olympia basically had zero idea of where they were going, just walking through the forest as they looked for the tube entrance.

"Olive! Otto! Where are you guys?!" The two of them shouted repeatedly as they walked, the ambassador trailing behind them. This was pretty much their only plan to find Olive and Otto, since there was now no signal in the forest for their badge phones to work.

"I don't think we're shouting loud enough." Olympia commented, narrowing her eyes in thought.

"Really? I thought we were pretty loud." Otis stated, shrugging.

"Maybe.... But they're probably still too far away to hear us. They're probably shouting for us too, but we can't hear them either."

"Yeah. Too bad we don't have like, super hearing or something." Otis said absentmindedly, but that's when Olympia got a brilliant idea.

"Wait, isn't there a gadget like that?" she excitedly inquired.


"Like a super hearing gadget. A sound amplifier or something like that? I'm pretty sure Oona just recently made a gadget like that." Olympia rambled as she waved her hand a little, trying to recall the gadget.

Otis was still clueless as to what she meant, but in his defense, her rambling was so cute that it was hard for him to focus.

"The hear-sound-louder-inator! That was it!" she finally remembered the name of said gadget, smiling as she began to rummage through her pockets. "Oona says the name is still a work in progress." she added casually.

"So you brought it with you?" the hopefulness and relief was evident in Otis' voice.

"Yeah. It was the next gadget that I was going to return."

A smile adorned each other their faces when Olympia held up the gadget which kind of resembled a microphone. Waisting no time in turning the gadget on, the two of them glanced around before they heard none other than Olive and Otto loudly calling for them.

"It worked!" Olympia exclaimed, ecstatic.

"Good work, partner. Come on, this way." Otis led them in the direction of where they heard Olive and Otto.

Eventually, they saw the two in the distance. "Olive! Otto! Over here!" Olympia and Otis yelled, waving their arms frantically, successfully getting their attention.

"Guys! There you are!" Otto exclaimed, he and Olive darting over to their friends with cheerful expressions.

The four of them almost knocked each other over as they exchanged hugs and high fives, just throwing professionalism to the wind since they were so overwhelmed with excitement and relief.

"We did it, we found you guys!" Olympia cheered.

"And we finally found the ancient pineapple too." Olive announced, holding up the shining, yellow fruit.

"Which means mission accomplished." Otis chimed in.

"Yeah! Boom-mission-lotta!" exclaimed Otto, making everyone laugh.

"Wait, we still need to find the tube entrance, right?" Olive reminded them.

"She's right. We still have no idea where we are." Otis agreed, glancing around the dark area.

"No problem. Let's just start walking around till we find it." Otto suggested. "It'll be fun, like we're just going on a little walk. We have the ambassador, and the golden pineapple, so it doesn't really matter how long it takes for us to get back. You know, as long as it doesn't take us days to get back." he lightheartedly added with an enthusiastic smile.

"Hey, I guess you're right. This could be fun." Olympia said, mirroring his smile.

Otis and Olive looked at each other skeptically before just shrugging. "You know what? I'm with you on this one, Otto. The four of us rarely get to hang out all together anyway, so this could be nice." Olive spoke, placing her hand on her hip as a nice smile adorned her face, her dimples making an appearance.

"I'm on board." Otis agreed with a nod.

Olympia picked the ambassador up in her arms, deciding to carry the cat just to make sure he wouldn't get lost again. Then the four agents started their trek through the forest, chatting with each other about anything they could think of as they walked.

A/n: Posted! 😘 Hope you guys liked this chapter! I know I haven't been updating this book that much, but here's a new chapter for you guys! Anyways, plz let me know what you think of this in the comments!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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