part 2 Wait what?

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Olympia's mind was racing as she and her partner zoomed through the tube system in their red tube pods.

She couldn't believe that she and Otis were about to be in Olive and Otto's office. She was extremely excited since even though she had met Olive and Otto before, she'd never actually been to their office before.

Otis was really excited too, but he was smiling on the inside, as he was trying to remain professional on the outside.

Soon enough, they arrived at Olive and Otto's precinct.

Olympia and Otis gazed around the tube lobby, mentally searching for any visible differences from how their precinct's tube lobby looked.

"Greetings Agent Otis and Agent Olympia." a red-headed tube operator greeted them with her cheery voice, breaking them out of their thoughts.

"Hi! H-how do you know our names?" Olympia couldn't help but ask.

"I was told that Miss O and Mr O were expecting you two." the tube operator clarified "I'm O'mia." she introduced herself.

"Well, hi there, O'mia." Olympia beamed, waving at the girl.

"Morning, O'mia." Otis greeted seriously with a nod.

O'mia smiled at the two agents before they left the tube lobby and walked into the main part of headquarters.

"Whoa...." Olympia trailed off, gazing around the headquarters in awe.

It looked pretty much the same as Olympia and Otis' headquarters, but there were subtle differences and some things were arranged only slightly differently.

"I still can't believe we're actually here." Olympia said in amazement, smiling extra wide as she took in her surroundings.

Otis glanced over at her and smiled to himself at how happy she looked.

'She always looks so cute when she's happy' he thought.

Wait, what-

"Otis," Olympia said, snapping Otis out of his conflicted thoughts.

"Come on!" she called to him, already walking up the stairs to Otto and Olive's office.

"Right behind you, partner." Otis replied, walking a bit faster behind her as he tried to forget about his previous thoughts.

"What should we say when we walk in? Should we be like 'hey how's it going?' Or should we try to be all professional like-" Olympia nervously rambled once they were right outside the office door.

"Olympia." Otis cut in to stop her rant.


"It'll be fine. Let's just go in and say hi." Otis said, trying to ease Olympia's nerves.

Olympia took a deep breath. "Ok. Ok. Yeah, let's just go in and say hi." she said, partially speaking to herself as she tried to remain calm.

They then walked into Olive and Otto's office

Olive and Otto looked up at the two agents and instantly smiled.

"There you two are," Olive said

"Something very odd has happened." Otto finished her statement for her.

The room was suddenly silent for a second, until Otto spoke up.

"Oh forget the formalities! Bring it in!" he exclaimed with a wide smile, before standing up from his desk chair and walking up to Olympia and Otis, giving Otis a bro-handshake and giving Olympia a big hug, which she gladly accepted.

Olive shook her head in slight annoyance, though she had a smile on her face. She wanted to scold Otto for being so unprofessional, but she didn't bother since she kind of agreed with him.

Olive then stood up from her desk chair and walked up to Otis and Olympia, giving them both hugs.

"So how have you guys been?" Olive asked them.

"We've been good." Otis reacted.

"But even better now that you guys called us!" Olympia added, a wide smile still present on her face.

"It's really great to see you guys again." Olive commented, Otto nodding eagerly in agreement.

"Same here." Otis replied.

"So Ms O said that you guys had something awesome to tell us?" Olympia said.

"Yes, we do." Otto stated. Then he looked over at Olive "Did you wanna tell them?" he quietly asked her.

"It's ok, you can tell them." Olive replied just as quietly.

"Let's both tell them." Otto suggested.

Olive nodded in agreement before she and Otto looked back at Otis and Olympia.

"We have a top secret mission," Otto stated.

"Tomorrow." Olive added.

"And we want you guys to come with us." Olive and Otto said in unison.

Olympia and Otis were nearly speechless.

A top secret mission? With Olive and Otto? This was the chance of a lifetime!

Posted! 😘 Second chapter! whoo hoo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I hope you're liking the story so far!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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