Part 6 Ambassador

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Olympia and Otis hadn't once looked back to see if whatever odd creature that was behind them was still there, but they were pretty convinced that it was silently chasing them since they heard the low growls following them.

They ran until they reached some fairly large bushes which they quickly decided to hide behind, settling there for a moment until they were sure the odd creature had finally wandered away.

Otis looked over at Olympia, who was subconsciously shaking a bit, obviously a little scared.

"Hey, it's ok, partner. We're safe now." Otis assured her, scooting closer to her as they were still seated behind the bushes.

"That was r-really close." Olympia commented, still looking a little dazed.

Otis automatically wrapped his arm around her and gently pulled her closer to him as she subconsciously leaned into his side.

"It's ok now, partner." he said to her.

She smiled warmly at him as he forced away the urge to admit his feelings for her right then and there.

He smiled slightly, staring at her maybe a little too long, Olympia blushing under his gaze. She had then moved out of his grasp though as she perked up again. "So, we should keep looking for the ambassador now I guess. I bet we're really close now." she said, her fear from earlier vanishing and being replaced by her usual steadfast optimism.

She stood up, walking off quickly as Otis almost struggled to keep up with her.

But they didn't walk more than about four steps before they heard another noise. Not a scary one like before though, this one sounded like a.... Meow noise.

"Did you hear that?" Olympia whispered to Otis, looking over at him with wide eyes.

He nodded, already frantically looking around for where the sound was coming from, Olympia noticing the source of the noise first as she instantly lit up.

She gasped quietly, tapping Otis on the shoulder to get his attention. "Otis, look!" she whiper-shouted, Otis turning his gaze to the direction she was pointing in.

His eyes widened when he saw a small cat crawling out of the bushes. And it wasn't just any cat, it was the ambassador.

"We found him!" Olympia exclaimed. She swiftly scooped the cat up into her arms, gently petting it as Otis let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Good work, partner." Otis said with a nod.

"Thanks, partner. We are doing so good on this mission so far. I wonder if Olive and Otto found the ancient pineapple yet." Olympia said, smiling widely as her line of sight was still stuck on the adorable animal that she was holding. Otis, unable to help himself, walked a little nearer to her, joining her in petting the cat for a second. He'd always had a soft spot for cats.

This mission was already starting to come together. at this rate, they'd be done in no time!


Meanwhile, finding the ancient pineapple was proving to be quite the challenge for Olive and Otto. Even with their pineapple-locate-inators helping them out, it still wasn't easily, especially seeing as they had accidentally located a couple other random pineapples by mistake. Yes, there were other pineapples in this forest for some reason, something that Otto still couldn't wrap his head around, but he decided not to question it.

"Where is that stupid pineapple?" Otto whined, growing frustrated as he and Olive trudged through the crunchy leaves.

"It has to be around here somewhere." Olive said determinedly, walking slightly ahead of Otto as he sort of lagged behind.

"But does it, though? Maybe we're not going the right way. What if we're not even in the right forest!" Otto reacted worriedly, thinking a bit irrationally at this point since they'd been at this for quite a while, walking for such a long time that their legs were beginning to hurt, and they almost didn't even know where they were anymore.

Olive opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by her badge phone ringing.

"Go for Olive." she said into the phone as she pressed it to her ear.

"This is Olympia. We found the ambassador, I repeat, we found the ambassador." Olympia informed them. She was trying to sound professional over the phone, but her excitement was clearly evident in her voice.

"Great work, Olympia. You two can head back to the tube entrance and we'll meet you there when we find the pineapple." Olive replied, hating how she and Otto still hadn't completed their part of the mission.

"Ok, sounds good. Good luck, guys!" came Olympia's perky response before the call ended.

Olive let out a sigh, clipping her badge back onto her suit.

"Come on, we've gotta keep looking." she said to Otto, turning on her heel to start walking again. But Otto wasn't having it. He shook his head in protest, placing his hand on Olive's shoulder.

"Come on, Olive, can't we take a break? I mean, we've been walking for hours!" Otto emphasized.

As much as Olive didn't want to admit how great a break would be right about now, she knew Otto was right. They needed a moment to recharge.

"Ok, but just for a second." Olive finally agreed, both of them sitting down on the ground, sighing in relief as they stretched their legs out in front of them.

Olive looked over at Otto. "We're gonna find that pineapple soon, don't worry." she said, smiling slightly as he mirrored her expression.

"Then we'll be able to head back to the tube entrance with Otis and Olympia and go back home." she added.

Suddenly though, Otto realized something that he hadn't before. His eyes narrowed in thought before he spoke. "Do you.... do you know the way back to the tube entrance?" he reluctantly questioned, Olive's blank stare not helping to ease his nerves in the slightest.

"I- um.... I thought you did." she reacted.

"I don't. How would I? I wasn't leaving a trail of bread crumbs!" Otto stood up as he internally panicked.

Olive slowly stood also, realization setting in.

"So we're lost?" Otto asked no one in particular.

Olive bit her lip nervously. "Um let's focus on that after we find the pineapple, ok? One thing at a time, right?" she tried to reason everything out calmly.

"Ok, ok. Yeah. One thing at a time." Otto nodded some, almost speaking to himself in order to get a grip.

"We got this, partner." Olive attempted to reassure him (and herself honestly), doing their secret handshake before they got back to work looking for the fruit that they were after.

Posted! 😘 Ok, sry I haven't updated this book in a second, but I finally posted a chapter yay! Hope you liked it! I mean, idk what I think abt this chapter, but I hope you guys liked it! Plz let me know what you think in the comments!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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