Chapter 3

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Patrick went home for a little while after Ellen fell asleep. He showered, changed into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, shoveled some food into his mouth, and hurried back to the hospital, not wanting to be away from his girl for too long. 'His girl.' He thought. He smiled at that.

He quickly got into his car and drove off to the hospital. 10 minutes later, he pulled up to the hospital and jogged inside to her room.

"She still sleeping?" Patrick asked as he entered the room and saw Shonda, Sandra, and TR all sitting down on the couch. "Yup. Those pain meds really knocked her out." Sandra said with a chuckle. "Patrick, I've delayed shooting for a week. I know Ellen isn't gonna be ready to film that soon, but are you going to stay with her the whole recovery?" Shonda asked. "I am." Patrick confirmed. Shonda nodded. "The doctor said she'd probably be out for at least a month for that leg. So can I presume you'll be out for a month too? We have our hiatus comign up after one epsiode, and luckily Ellen filmed all her scenes for it so she's fine, but you haven't." Shonda explained. "I'll come in to film but I don't want to leave her alone all day." Patrick explained. Shonda nodded and sighed. "I'll let you know the schedule in a few days." She said. Patrick nodded and looked back at Ellen who seemed to be waking up.

"Is she awake?" The doctor said as she came into the room. "She's getting there." Patrick said as he walked over to Ellen and brushed her face softly. "Wake up sleepyhead." He whispered. El stirred and opened her eyes. "Mm hi." She mumbled. "Hi." He whispered. "The doctor is here." he added. She sat up with a wince and looked. Shonda, Sandra, and Sara all excused themselves and left the room.

"Okay Ms Pompeo, we're gonna get you standing up today." The doctor said. She nodded. "Okay, so I'll grab your shoulder and you can put weight on your right arm, and with your left arm use the bed as leverage to pull yourself up." The doctor instructed. Ellen used her good arm to pull her up and the doctor pulled her up. Ellen grimaced at the fresh incision pulling, and Patrick rubbed her back soothingly. "You're doing good el." He said quietly. Ellen nodded and sat up.

"Good. Now, swing your legs over the bed and shimmy yourself so that your on the edge." The doctor said. "Why do I feel like I'm actually in greys anatomy?" She asked sarcastically. Patrick laughed and kissed the side of her head softly.

After Ellen got to the edge of the bed, the doctor told her to slowly stand up. Her feet touched the ground and Patrick put a hand on her back to steady her, as did the doctor. He handed her a pair of crutches and Ellen took them. "You got it. Just a few steps." The doctor encouraged. Ellen leaned into Patrick's and rested her forehead against his chest. "Come on El. Just a few steps." Patrick encouraged. "Too tired." She mumbled. "Come on el. Do it for me. You got this." Patrick said. Ellen grumbled sometning incoherent but she managed to move herself the tiniest bit. "You did it el!" Patrick exclaimed. He moved in front of her and she let go of the crutches and put her arms on his shoulders. Ellen kept going a little bit, leaning on Patrick instead of her crutches. "Break." She said as she leaned practically her whole weight on him. "Let's get you back to bed now." The doctor said.

Patrick all but carried el back to her bed. After she got settled, Patrick kissed her forehead lightly and sat down in the chair next to her bed. He checked his Social media accounts, and noticed the trending. It read 'Ellen Pompeo in reported car accident.' He also noticed a trend that read 'Dempeo is real.' He chuckled at it and clicked on it. The article showed many pictures of him and Ellen and he smiled brightly.

He looked at a post on a fan account and it was a picture of him and Ellen, with the caption "Dempeo is real. Patrick and Ellen are meant to be together, they just haven't figured it out yet. #greys." He smiled at it and sxreenshotred it.

Shonda got ready for the day and drove off to the hospital to visit Ellen again and give Patrick his schedule that she drew up last night.

She got out of her car and walked into the hospital. Once again, she checked in and made her way to Ellen's room.

She entered the room and was not apprised when she saw Patrick sitting on the couch. "Patrick." She whispered. He looked over at her and she waved him over.

He stood up and met her in the hallway. "Here is your schedule." Shonda said as she handed him the piece of paper. "Thanks." Patrick said. "How's she doing?" Shonda asked. "She's good. Took a few steps earlier on the crutches." Patrick said. "You like her." Shonda said matter of factly. Patrick sighed. "Of course I do, she's my friend." He lied. "Don't play dumb. You love her, actually." Shonda corrected herself. "No, I don't." He denied again. "Patrick, it's not hard to see." Shonda said. Patrick smiled. "How could I not?" He asked as his cheeks flushed a shade of pink once again. "I just don't want to ruin our friendship." He admitted. "Patrick, have you seen the way that girl looks at you? This isn't some playground crush. You love her. She loves you. I'm fine with it. I've been waiting since the pilot for you two to get together. Just ask her." Shonda said sternly. "But what is she-." "No. She loves you Patrick. I can tell. Everyone can tell. Ask anyone." Shonda cut in. Patrick nodded. "I will sometime, maybe after she gets a little better." He said. Shonda nodded.

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