UA Enterance Exam

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Asia is around 15 years old, where it all begins

  { they say you start to claim when they begin to gain}

Asia got out of he parents car as she took a deep breath. She was standing in front of her dream school, nervousness boiling in her gut. Asia was fully aware about UA's acceptance percentage. And she wasn't going to embarrass herself farther by being too confident in her skill. Because a month from now, in this second now—Asia might not be attending this school as she thinks.

" Bye Asia!" She could hear her mother cheer from the car. 

" God luck! Break a leg!" Her father teased with a mock to his tone.

Asia flashed them a grin, turning to face them with determined eyes.  I got this, she said to herself. " Thanks!"

Asia exclaimed with gratitude to her parents. , taking off from the car. Her legs moved down the path where she hoped her dreams would become a reality. Where she planned on becoming someone different then what she was right now.

She  can see the different exotic children walking in with pure confidence.  Some with their quirk on their skin, in their hair, or maybe even apart of their bodies. Coloured differently with a unique look to every kid.
Asia couldn't help but sigh at the crowded path, when she came to a halt. Although she was completely confident in her quirk and skills, the air of confidence around her simmered down her own.

She always found herself questioning her true power. Asia was strong, yet somehow weak at the same time. A type of weak that made her want to give up on her second quirk, and not for good reasons at all. Lots of people would say that Asia was blessed to be so strong. That unlike others, she had a hero material, and strong quirk— that could possibly help et be big in her future.

But Asia saw it differently— holding back every time she fought, wasn't in her favour.

She gulped hard with a small eye roll— her mind wandering to useless questions that she knew she would never get the answer for.

Asia knew she would never be able to meet the person who gave her quirk to her, all because she didn't know her...actual parents. Not in that manner like every other kid.

She was blessed, yet cursed. Not knowing or understanding the full power of her quirk and how it functions.

Asia's appearance was a little bit... unorganized— you could say. She didn't have excessive muscles, and nothing about her appearance screamed competition. Her smaller frame, and average height, wasn't something she could bluff. She didn't have too much of an intimidating stare, and even if, she always was messy around others.

Whether it was because she was a moody teenager, or the sad and truthful fact that Asia Emiyo was a wimp. Especially to kids her age.

And with her inner thoughts, she felt her confidence dropping down a small slope.
It was this feeling that everything was against her. That no one wanted her to win, and her past was trying to still fight with her. Even though she had forfeited from the battle long ago. 

Asia stood in front of the UA entrance exam location, a shaky breath being released from her mouth. She watched as some teens carelessly piled in the building, their excitement uncontainable. Asia was feeling a little bitter in the moment, and that's what triggered her to think; Privileged Kids.

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