Ill always be your friend

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As they led us to Endeavors office, I could only glance at Shoto. Who would occasionally clench his fist in.... frustration.
Shoto said that we would be doing some city patrolling, and some training at this internship.

I don't know about everyone else, but I have a strict goal for myself to get 10x better. Also to learn more and more knowledge of my limits. I want to master 10% here, and try to reach 15% max.

If Endeavor decides to work more with Shoto than me, than that's fine. He will watch me improve from the side, and will watch knowing he didn't help me one bit. I have a strict list of what I want to improve here. If I have to do it myself than I will.

So with that being said, we walked into Endeavors office. As the people that led us there took their leave immediately.
They seem more like servants than his workers.

I stood in the corner of the room, away from Endeavors desk. He stood up from his paper work and glanced at me and Shoto.

" Well. It's nice to see you here Shoto." He said smartly. It really irks me when he thinks Sho is his puppet. If he thinks that Shoto is here because he " finally realized his ice isn't good enough", than he's wrong.

I crossed my arms waiting for him to acknowledge me as well. " Shoto, your going to work on you left side. It was dangerous when you released that much energy at once." He spoke crossing his arms. Shoto just stared at him, clearly annoyed.

I decided to wait a minute before I gladly introduce myself. The room continued to be dead silent for a moment.
" Well Endeavor. I'm here to work on my flames as well. You WILL help me with that, right?" I asked tilting my head.

I want to make sure it crystal clear that he is going to help me at this internship, wether he likes me or not. If he wants to be petty, I can be petty too. So he shouldn't go there.

His eyes widened " You have flames as well?" He asked. I nodded my head with a Smile. " YUPPP! And that's why your GOING to help me!"  I spoke enthusiastically.

So don't ignore my presence during this internship. I really am here to get better, and I refuse to be slowed down by you." I said more seriously.

He quirked an eyebrow at me before he spoke again. " okay. But you need to inform me more on your quirk. I don't understand that much of it. But if it includes heat than this must be a prefect match." He said pointing his fingers at me and Shoto.

Wait what? What does he mean perfect match?

" yes. Me and Asia will train beside each other while we work on our flames." Shoot said. I smiled knowing that he saved me from having to discuss how we will work. Well that's cleared up.

" yes. Though I won't be working on my flames the whole time. I barely use flames. Actually I don't even use it because it takes too much energy. So I'll be training all my other heat ones as well" i said. Clarifying how I was going I train Heat Force.

I don't only  plan on only training  my flames, because  than I will fall back on everything else inside of Heat Force. I just want to make sure I can use all of my heat manipulations properly.
Like I don't want to tell myself all the time,
" this manipulation of heat takes less/ more energy" yeah. 
I rather not

A smirk appeared on Endeavors face " Hmm, what about that punching power you have. It seems that you have no control over it.  Perhaps I could help you?" Endeavour said.

" I don't know, maybe. The higher it goes, the more damage it does. I will need a open up place to train that. But good thing that's not by main goal right now! Well at least not for the next 3 days." I said to him.

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